Dextroamp saccharate, amp aspartate, dextroamp sulfate and amp sulfate (amphetamine aspartate; amphetamine sulfate; dextroamphetamine saccharate; dextroamphetamine sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dextroamp saccharate, amp aspartate, dextroamp sulfate and amp sulfate (amphetamine aspartate; amphetamine sulfate; dextroamphetamine saccharate; dextroamphetamine sulfate)

Dry mouth, bruxism resulting in multiple caps, irritability at higher doses.

Initially, when I started this drug 20 years ago, there was no generic for the XR version and it was a life altering drug. I was on top of everything. Never had a bad day. When the generic came out of XR it was dissapointing at best, so I switched to regular adderral. Don't be naive and think taking this drug long term won't have any consequences, because it does. The artificial induction of stimulation from this drug eventually depletes your bodies reservoir in every way imaginable. I have chronic fatigue and rheumatoid arthritis after 20 years of using Adderral. True, it may not be related, but it feels exactly the way I felt when I would not take Adderral over the weekend. I could not move from the couch and had no ambition whatsoever. RA is the same thing only all the over exerting I did while on Adderral, is suddenly apparent in my bones and joints. I am 50 and feel like I am 90. I still take 10 mg sometimes 2 x a day, taking more does not improve my energy. Be warned. Relatively little good comes from this drug, and the only gains are short lived.

Initial Onset: Surge of focus / Enhanced awareness / High levels of motivation / Cerebral creativity / Energy IncreaseMid-Phase of Daily Dosage: Clenching of Jaws / Chewing or Sucking of Tongue / Anxiety at low levelsEnd-Phase of Daily Dosage: Continuation of Tongue sucking, Jaw clenching, malaise.

This has been a wonderful tool for assisting me in maintaining focus and increasing my desire to accomplish tasks set before me, yet it also increases my desire to over-achieve in areas which are not pertinent to daily tasks.Prior to this regimen I was constantly irritable, and short-tempered, yet while currently on this drug, I am on an even plane. Occasionally I feel "emotionally neutered". Ampheta is an extremely addictive drug that can easily be abused and cause adverse conditions to the life of the individual if the regimen is not strictly followed.Sad story, one of my friends is on the drug and takes his prescription amount within half of the allotted time given. Most of the time this person is sleeping for days, or up for days. This would seem to be the life altering outcome that one would wish to avoid.

its ok.. nice euphoria. but the crash effects are terrible and the head ache and tummy ache..

Side Effects fordextroamp saccharate, amp aspartate, dextroamp sulfate and amp sulfate (amphetamine aspartate; amphetamine sulfate; dextroamphetamine saccharate; dextroamphetamine sulfate) - User Comments


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Started at 10 mg...too much nausea and just felt "weird" .. so backed down to 5 mg after 3 weeks. At 5mg felt great -- able to exercise, lifting of suicidal thoughts, energy returned, able to sleep, in a good mood. Unfortunately the memory lapses became intolerable around 2 month mark,i gave it another month but still problematic so now tapering off. Sad this didn't work out - tbe mood improvement was a relief but the memory effects were a little scary and caused me stress.

general "out of it feeling", anxiety went through the roof, felt like I was having a heart attack even at my age and level of good health, shoulder/neck pain. Hot flashes, throat feels like something is lodged in it. Lack of Concentration.

After one month of using Vagifem I had constant heart palpatations and extreme hair loss. It really helped with the pain and vaginal dryness but not worth loosing my hair over and spending tons on cardiac tests to rule out heart problems.

First and foremost, severe insomnia, not just the kind where you have trouble sleeping, but I don't sleep at all. There are other side effects like not being hungry, a little agitated (probably from the lack of sleep), racing heart-beat, dry mouth, etc, but its the insomnia that is crazy.

I am a healthy, normal weight, active female and first time bc user. I don't take any other medications and started taking Loestrin 8 days ago. Since taking this med, I FEEL HORRIBLE!!! I have never felt worse in my life. I had a lot of nausea the first 3 days, and then extreme fatigue and foggy headedness set in. I tried to stick with it, but in the last 4 days, I have been in such an exhausted, zombie- like state that I have ENDED this HORRIFIC MEDICATION! I have stayed in bed the last 2 days due to utter exhaustion. I have alternating moments of being totally spaced out and then wanting to cry. This is coming from a very happy go lucky, emotionally stable wife and mother. I have never experienced anything so debilitating in my life. I stopped taking Loestrin FE last night, and continue to experience the terrifying symptoms today. I could barely muster enough energy to type this. Plan to go back to other bc methods.

I remember when I started this I did have zome diarrhea for a week or two. It did completely take away my anxiety issues where no other drug I tried did. I'm very thankful for that. No weight gain. No bad dreams. The dependancy issue is huge - if you miss one dose or are late to take it even by a few hrs you feel withdrawal symptoms. Foggy head, zaps, irritability, nausea.