Detrol la (tolterodine tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Detrol la (tolterodine tartrate)

The first Kidney stone I ever had was about 5 weeks after first taking Detrol La. I had at least 3 stones a year for five years. I finally took myself off the drug and have not had a kidney stone in 6 years.

DETROL LA (TOLTERODINE TARTRATE): This medication is used to treat an overactive bladder. By relaxing the muscles in the bladder, tolterodine improves your ability to control your urination. It helps to reduce leaking of urine, feelings of needing to urinate right away, and frequent trips to the bathroom. This medication belongs to the class of drugs known as antispasmodics. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I've been on imipramine (generic for tofranil)for over 22 years.. Works better than other older meds! I also have OCD and panic attacks.. It has not helped much with OCD and I'm now trying to find a drug that will let me take lower doses of tofranil and add Luvox to the mix..for OCD... IM ON A HIGH DOSE....200 mg just be sure to have your blood panel every year to monitor the kidneys and liver! I'm an extreme case of depression and am afraid to take anything new for fear of it killing me or making me have high anxiety.. Tofranil doesn't take all the anxiety and that's why I was on klonopin! But now, no other meds are used! I am afraid to try something new, this has helped me to feel "real" for years!! Trust it, I did!!!!

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Bad after taste- I don't even notice it now.

After one month of taking Reclipsen (the generic of Desogen), I began getting frequent migraine headaches - something I used to only ever get after a VERY strenuous workout.My sex-drive disappeared while I was on this pill. It took 3-4 months after stopping this pill before my sex drive began coming back. Having no sex-drive in a relationship is an unacceptable side effect for a pill that is supposed to enable sex!I felt tired and lethargic while on this pill. Before taking Desogen my boyfriend and I regularly enjoyed nights out with friends. Following1-2 months after beginning this pill, I felt lethargic all day. I no longer had the same disposition while going out which lead to not wanting to spend nights out.I would never recommend this oral contraceptive based on my experience and other women's experiences.

I am getting headaches using this, but after having depression, big ankles and skin patches from norvasc, I will take headaches any day of the week over the hell I went through with norvasc.

After colon resection and gallbladder removal, developed GERD, gastritis (inflammation of stomach lining)...all digestive issues. Nexium proscribed and worked great for this. Definite B-12 deficient now and my surgeon has given me shots for this as you need acid in the stomach to obsorb B-12.... Now I have severe hair loss with no other explanation. Tried to get off this drug last year 'cold turkey' due to other symptoms and became so ill I had to start back....Now I will try to ween myself off the drug slowly (and my primary doctor & surgeon both agree).....Yes, it is very addicting and hard to quit, but the bloating, stomach pain, fatigue, muscle cramps and now hair loss is the final reason I MUST GET OFF THIS DRUG PERMANENTLY. And, I take ONLY NEXIUM so there is no doubt Nexium is causing most or all of these side affects. I will try over the counter tums, mylanta, whatever it takes and go strict diet, small portions and eliminate trigger foods such as chocolate, wine, acidic foods and nothing after 6 pm. I also gave up my job last year, retired from 31 years due to side affects that I believe now, are due to the Nexium, and after reading these comments. There HAS TO BE A WAY to stop Nexium!!! Good drug with really bad side affects for me and many others who have replied to this website.

Weight gain, dryness, loss of sex drive, insomnia, very heavy breakthrough bleeding

Sleep problems. dry mouth, nihtmares, problems typing or saying words, feeling sad and depressed and down one momment and feeling better nother. Makes me drowsy and try to stay awake but some times sleep a long time, problems falling asleep as well. Speech problem saying the wrong word or trying to help others on Internet and being told I am stupid or retarded because what I wrote does not make sense or people reply with "blah blah blah blah" or "yap yap yap yap" and call me a dog and other insulting names due to my speech and typing problems. Rapid heart beat, sore muscles in chest and arm sometimes, feeling hopeless, sad, depressed, and am delusional at times thinkig I am someone else or on a secret mission to crack hidden codes in TV shows and movies and post as other characters on the Internet to communicate back.

Not as potent or long lasting as Premarin, but no side effects. The manufacturer needs to offer higher doses than the 1.25 mg. I have to take a .9mg plus a .625mg daily to feel right and it's expensive.

Zoloft changed my life for the better. Before Zoloft I had a difficult time communicating my thoughts and feelings. I would get so upset and frustrated all the time because nobody understood me. I was unable to maintain work relationships and I got fired from multiple jobs due to my behavior. I was very emotional and angry. My family loved me, but hurt inside because they couldn't figure out how to help me and why I was so unhappy. After a life changing event in my life I decided to try Zoloft. I had been on Flueoxetine, Effexor and tried other anti-depressants, but nothing works for me like Zoloft. Prozac had my emotions so high and so low I went from "extremes" I was neither here or there I was either too happy or very sad I drove people nuts. People thought I was bi-polar with my mood swings. Zoloft has my moods so stable I have been able to maintain relationships with people. I now have a boyfriend for 2 years and can proudly say I have maintained my job for almost 3 years. That says a lot about this drug. I owe it all to this because I knew I was a good person and had good intentions I just needed some help. I struggled before and my family struggled for me too. I am glad I don't have to see them hurt anymore and I feel great. I know it's working for me and I have to do what's best for me and that's all that matters. If that means being on this medication for the rest of my life, that's what I'll do...