Desoximetasone (desoximetasone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Desoximetasone (desoximetasone)

Iam useing desoximetasone for legs and Triamcinalone acetonide for the rest of the body. I am on numerous heart medicines and I wonder if this combinations are causing me to experience shortness of breath? Do topical medicines such as I use somehow get into the bloodstream to cause an effect on the heart. Chest x-rays do not anything negative with my lungs or heart.

DESOXIMETASONE (DESOXIMETASONE): This medication is used to treat a variety of skin conditions (e.g., eczema, dermatitis, allergies, rash). Desoximetasone reduces the swelling, itching and redness that can occur in these types of conditions. This medication is a strong corticosteroid. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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