Desowen (desonide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Desowen (desonide)

DESOWEN (DESONIDE): This medication is used to treat a variety of skin conditions (e.g., eczema, dermatitis, allergies, rash). Desonide reduces the swelling, itching and redness that can occur in these types of conditions. Desonide is a mild corticosteroid. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Body acne and terrible, terrible acne on all of face. Ihope I won't be scared. But Geodon has stableized me. I have to be careful when I take it as I fall asleep in about 1 and half hours. So have to plan when I eat dinner and take it so I will stay awake if going out that night or if I have to do homework. this part is hard to figure out. It wears off about 3pm and I get angry, uncooperative, and irritable. Then I take ativan to calm me down until dinner or night when I take it again. I take 120mg of Geodon, lamicatal 100mg, and ativan 0.5 mg take 1 or 2 under my tonuge and also 1 or 2 at night with the Geodon and mirtazapine to stimulate my apetite because I was all of a sudden refusing to eat anything and was very angry and irritable. I have been on medical leave from high school as I was crying and just couldn't function since March and then started Geodon and the others listed in June and have felt better. Blut now I will start high school again and I am really nervous and scared

I would never buy this again. I have used the generic and this had never happened before!!

I was taking depo bcuz of bad cramp

High intense sugar cravings, lost 30 pads but I was already thin due to anorexia. Then I was on another med that made me binge 6 to 8 hrs per day which this was making thing worse cause it stopped working. So I stopped this drug cold turkey.

"brain zaps," "disorganized" thoughts, severe interference with menstrual cycle (no period-minor spotting while on the drug, 10 week period at discontinuation), stomach pain, severe nausea, vomiting, weight gain, insomnia (inability to stay asleep, sleep through the night), "dull" emotions, lack of concern about responsibilites, social withdrawel, lost all interest in hobbies, relationships, withdrawel upon cessation of medication

If you feel any of these side yourself and your mental state a favor and stop taking it immediately and call your dr.

I thought I was going insane. Very weird thoughts racing in your head, severe depression, naseau, loss of appetite, vertigo, headache, flushed, night sweats. At first I thought it was me, but thank goodness I found this page and explains it all. Everyone has similar side effects.

Urinary incontinence, irritability, anger became my dominant emotion, wasn't fully in control of my thoughts actions and feelings, felt things that weren't real, became nauchturnal, became emotionally distant to close relatives, difficult to focus on routine tasks such as work

My doc initially prescribed Prilosec and Prevacid, each of which caused me stomach pain, diarrhea and other side effects. Axid gave me relief with absolutely no side effects. I was curious why AXID which has no known side effects is prescribed after first trying others which each have several KNOWN side effects. I suspect that it's because AXID doesn't have a a billion dollar ad campaign and an army of drug reps hyping it to the nation's doctors everyday. If you've experienced side effects with Prilosec, Nexium or Prevacid which are equal to or worse than the symptom for which they are prescribed, ask your doc to try AXID for you.

Taking for nausea for cancer treatments and started having the most HORRIBLE VIVID REALISTIC NIGHTMARES! Wake up heart racing and sweating. Afraid to go back to sleep. Kept dreaming of being crushed to death. Cancer is bad enough. I don't need to dream of dying too :(