Delsym (dextromethorphan polistirex) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Delsym (dextromethorphan polistirex)

This medications had me hospitalized with tachycardia respiratory depression hallucinations tremors numbness and skin pain. The hallucinations were so severe I had to be committed to the psych ward.

Please do not take this medication it may kill you. I thought I was going to die my life will never be the same.

INTENSE abdominal pain, I couldn't sleep at all, and had problems urinated. I had mild hallucinations and couldn't focus my eyes. My entire body had tremors. I was anxious and high strung and excited (and all the other side effects) for almost two days afterwards. I'm not allergic to any medication but this made my throat swell up and i had difficulty breathing. This isn't even everything.

Apparently you aren't supposed to take this if you have breathing problems but it doesn't say it anywhere unless you search the ingredients. (I'm asthmatic and didn't know this.) Either fix your product or add adequate warnings to it.

I took 60mg at night to help with unproductive cough and sore throat. it worked like a charm. Not sure why all the negative reviews.

Insomnia was the main side effect. Didn't really help the coughing.

Did absolutely NOTHING for my cough! Waste of money!

Cough related to acute bronchitis

I'm disappointed that the product contains high fructose corn syrup. There needs to be a sugar free version. Although Delsym is an excellent product, I'll first search out comparable cough medicine that doesn't contain that dreadful, unhealthy sugar.

My blood pressure and tachycardia went so high my doctor almost hospitalized me. The symptoms were terrifying, much like COPD especially when flying cross country. Sleep was impossible because the drug would not wear off for two days. I am fine now but the is a dangerous over the counter drug that is not the good old safe tussin.

Please, FDA, Take this dangerous drug off the market or better yet tell me which law firm is taking these cases.

Your commercial is okay until the mother smiling hands to her child the medicine in a box. What kind of mother gives her child medicine in a box. That is called negligence.

Please have the part of the commercial removed or have the lady to portray a good mother by giving her child medicine on a spoon.

cough that had gone on for 2 weeks

none; son liked the grape flavor, helped him sleep without coughing.Doctor recommended it.

cough, possibly Whooping Cough

Positive effect: Unexpected relief from neuropathic pain! Undesirable effect: Histamine-type skin itching reaction all over and migrating, which was helped by taking an oral antihistamine (Tagamet off label use - Benadryl leaves me too hung over the next day). I worry about side effects I've read about on Erowid (great site also) of depression and cognitive issues, and building tolerance. Luckily it's working for me at low doses and I won't go beyond that if it stops being effective as I'm not interested in recreational doses.

Dextromethorphan in various cough syrups was the only thing that seemed to help my 8 week cough after a cold, which might have been Whooping Cough. Nebulizers and an albuterol inhaler made it worse. DXM also helped a great deal with peripheral neuropathy and neuropathic pain that I suffer from long-term chronic infection, which was a surprise. Apparently DXM, like Guaifenesen, can act as an analgesic for some. I have slept better on it than in years. On Delsym I'm able to take only 5mg, or half of an adult dose and get relief from the cough, pain, and insomnia for the whole night and it tastes like candy. So far I feel better the next day as well, and not hung over like with other pain or sleep meds. Maybe it will be a new tool in achieving a better quality of life by alleviating certain types of pain and insomnia. Hopefully side effects and building tolerance won't interfere.

Light-headedness and insomnia.

For me, it wasn't worth the price. Moderately effective, but wouldn't let me sleep and caused light-headedness.

Side Effects fordelsym (dextromethorphan polistirex) - User Comments


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Anxiety, blurred vision, mood swings, lack of energy, numbness, Breathing difficulties, body aches overall and general bad feelings. It was hard for me to identify these side effects as they creep up on you slowly and you just don't know what's happening to your body. My urine would smell like cereal and I would always be thirsty especially at bedtime and during the night. My chest would hurt and I had tingling on my arms and legs.

Extreme exhaustion radiating pain all over body most specifically in shoulders and neck. Lack of focus, bruising of skin, dark urine. Weight loss.Symptoms of heart attack.

breakthrough bleeding, cramps, clotting

Lowered my Cholesteral but made me a crippled. 33yr old, good health except for high cholesteral. This med gave me joint pain that a vicoden could not handle. Unreal ankle pain and hip pain

At one point, dosage was in too large a quantity, i.e. LA120mg, and when exposed to personal "trigger", normally causing intense migraine, I experienced dizziness, followed by actual loss of conciousness, with rapid heart beat and cold sweats after the brief few seconds, I was out.

Took lexapro for 2 years. Felt like I didn't care about anything but just had a "numb" feeling. Gained about 15 pounds and wanted to eat all the time. Tired all the time. Since wellbutrin, I feel alive again! I have lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks, and don't feel like eating the kitchen counter! Everything in my house is clean now! I have noticed I am a little quick to anger sometimes, but I have read that it passes after awhile being on wellbutrin.

Depo-provera has really helped me out in many ways. First, the obvious, to not get pregnant. Second, NO PERIODS!!! I've been on it for about 3 years now and I've only gained about 20 pounds since the first shot, which is the only complaint I have, but with a little exercise and lots of water, I'll be back down to my original weight.

Symptomps gone after switching to Diovan.

Brief dry mouth initial sleeplessness while dose was split between morning and evening. This ceased when changed to one dose per day. Slight tingling at back of tongue.

OMG stay away! Tired dizzy hot n cold, vomiting,nosebleed ,sweats,severe lethargy the list is endless do not take.