Dayvigo (lemborexant) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dayvigo (lemborexant)

I'm no longer taking this medication. This drug helped to sleep longer. HOWEVER, the sleep paralysis was so horrible, that I will never use it again.

Really crazy sometimes scary dreams I have cut the pill into a quarter size still having insane dreams

I had sleep paralysis, hallucinations and dreams the third dose, which I found weird. But took it again and haven't had any bad effects since.

It works quickly and I stay asleep for 3-4 hours which is a huge improvement over the 2 hours I used to get. I also fall back to sleep easier.

I took it at 9:30 and was still awake at midnight. I did notfeel anything at all - sleepy or drowsy. It was as if Itook nothing. I tried it a few more nights and fell asleepafter midnight-1am but with broken sleep. Woke in themornings feeling horrible because I did not get therecommended 7 hours sleep-maybe 5-5.2 hours total.Klonopin worked way better and may have to go backto that. Not sure I want to take 10mg because if that doesnot knock me out I will feel so much worse than the 5mg.

Awful drug, terrible paralysis, racing heart, headache

It can take anywhere from 15 min to fall asleep to two hours. I had developed a condition called ENS friom unnecessary turbinate surgery. One of the major side effects of ENS is the inability to fall asleep and severe sleep disturbances. I went from sleeping to not sleeping for days at a time. I could not even function because of the sleep deprivation. My doctor prescribed dayvigo along with meds I had already been taking. After many days of no sleep I tried dayvigo. Although not perfect, dayvigo has given me back my life.

Nightmares, body aches, heart racing and anxiety

Horrible drug ! Worst dreams had no sleep. Kept me up all night with anxiety and racing heart. Couldn't distinguish between thoughts and semi dreams. Stayed up the whole next day just out of it. Would never recommend. Stay away !

It takes 20 minutes or so and I'm asleep. However I do get horrifying nightmares that are so realistic- I might write horror stories!

Terrible sleep paralysis (difficulty breathing) and hallucinations. Only took once and will not take again. Almost went to ER.

Chronic insomnia for at least 4 yea

Made me fall asleep within 30 minutes, which was a total blessing after years of no sleep. However the nightmares were so vivid and horrifying...very scary and violent. May have to stop taking dayvigo as I keep waking up from the nightmares. Doesn't make me sleep more than 5 hours a night and that is with waking up 3 or 4 times within that period. Really hoping that the nightmares stop.

At first none, and then recently horrible false awakening/sleep paralysis nightmares on a loop. Prior to that i would occasionally have dreams so vivid i'd wake up feeling like my mind never slept, like i was living my dreams all night.

compared to every other sleep med, basically nothing!

LIFE CHANGING! I have been on everything under the sun - from clonidine to ambien, amitriptyline, gabapentin, ropinerole, klonopin, etc. Finally, Dayvigo works without the side effects! :DNo nightmares, I sleep through the night (or I can at least get back to sleep), I feel rested, theres no hangover, I dont feel dumb or groggy the next day. Its truly a miracle.I think some people forget if you stop ambien youre going to experience withdrawals, which youre confusing and calling Dayvigo side effects! It may not be for everybody, but I urge anyone with insomnia problems to give Dayvigo a chance. It is changing my life.

I took it at 10pm and fell asleep fast. I had nightmares,vivid dreams and hallucinations.I slept until 2am and then could not get back to sleep. I was laid up the rest of the next day with a headache and extreme tiredness/sleepiness.

This was my first and only experience with this drug. I took another sleeping pill and went to bed a 5pm.I lost one whole day to this insomnia drug that caused me insomnia

Did not stay asleep. Only slept 2-3 hrs.

No real side-effects except for the very vivid dreams. They were intense. But, never what I would call a nightmare. Felt like I had actually lived them.

First few nights it seemed to do nothing. Went back to Ambien. But Ambien has caused my tinnitus to get worse. So a month after taking those first three Davigo, I tried it again. It worked. By then I had become pretty rigid with when I went to bed and the Ambien had broke me of my habit of waking within two hours of going to sleep and then staying up. So with a pattern formed I took 5mg pills for 5 days, then dropped to cutting them in half and even skipped a few nights of taking them. Sleeping from 10:30 straight through to 6:00-6:30.

No side effects. Takes about an hour to work.

Since starting Dayvigo I've had odd bouts of nausea and vertigo in the day. I don't know if it's related to the Dayviigo. Unfortunately, I've become dependent on the Dayvigo, and so stopping for a week to check the side effects will be difficult, but I'll try soon. Have other people experienced vertigo and/or nausea after starting Dayvigo?

After the first week or so, I found that it lasted only for about 3 hours. Therefore, I took half on going to sleep, and another half later in the night.

Horrible nightmares vivid. Absolute trash.

Just don't ever not even once.

I am very, very pleased with this drug. It takes about an hour to work and there is no "hang over" feeling when I awake

Severe headache no sleep couldnt move thought i was having a stroke.

DAYVIGO (LEMBOREXANT): Treatment of adults with insomnia. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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After taking for only 3 days I experienced general overal weakness..fatigue..nausea..diziness..trembling..trouble concentrating..sadness..moodiness..insomia..neck pain..dull headaches..feverish..clamy feeling..tingly feeling in hands and scalp....basically felt rotton all day long.Would wake up feeling good, but about an hour or so after taking Lipitor all the above symptoms returned.Others swear by this drug, but they can have it. Doctor took me off of it, but I would have done so myself anyway. Felt like I was being poisened quite honestly!Thank GOD I found this website, as all I could find on the web was how WONDERFUL Lipitor is! Maybe for some, but not for all of us obviously.

This is my 3rd week on effexor; and a third day of the 75 mg dosage. I am not sure i like the 75mgs. I felt much better of 37.5, and am thinking of lowering my dosage back to 37.5 after today, but am a little skeptical as I keep reading about the automatic withdrawls. Haven't had any weight loss/gain. I am worried though, I suffered from an eating disorder for many years and have finally been better for almost 2 yrs and am afraid to relapse if i see weight gain. body image has not improved, but i havent had severe panic attacks like i used to since abt a week on the effexor. not sure if its the drug or plecebo effect. so far, i think i will stay on it, but try to get back on the lowest dosage. my doc wants to monitor me till march and if i feel better she may begin weaning me off it. im not sure if thats such a good idea as im in school until may then have MCAT in summer and i keep hearing abt the awful withdrawls. but doc told me not to worry abt the withdrawls she has successfully we

Muscle twitching, scalp tingling, tiredness, dizziness.

Would not recommend whatsoever.

Poor balance/coordination, severe short term memory loss to the point I felt like I had alzheimers, insomnia. Very jittery/anxious and tearful whenever I missed a dose. Did help the depression and these symptoms only showed up in last 6 months

I'm just on day 10 but what a ride its been.Before I started I had a worsening of depression due to beginning birth control--also irritability and fatigue.My personal life had become so stressful and I couldn't tolerate the emotional pain. I am very sensitive to meds so just started 5mg of lexapro. I had a panic attack which I don't have a history of. Had shaking for one day. Doc advised me to try another day and the anxiety hasn't been as bad--no panic or shaking but still a lot to deal with. I am increasing also. currently on 7.5 hopefully can make it at least to 10 in a few weeks. It seems to be getting a little better daily. Big pros: I have so much energy I don't even recognize myself. But it also feels like normal amounts of energy. Its been so long since I had this kind of energy. I dont' feel like I am 90 years old anymore.Things don't feel nearly so overwhelming. I started feeling these affects on day 8. So I'm feeling definite benefits. Insomnia at first but it is slowly improving and so is my appetite. I take it first thing in the morning and have about 6 hours of anxiety. The afternoons I feel better now.