Dasetta 1/35 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dasetta 1/35 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone)

Continuous bleeding since I started taking and is progressively getting worse. Going through a regular tampon in 2 hours. Clotting large amounts and cramping that will keep you up at night. Horrible insomnia and uncontrollable emotions.

If I miss a pill then I have break through bleeding.

This has been the best pill for me so far. No nausea.

Decrease cysts, regulate periods

Constant headaches, sick to my stomach. Throwing up and diarrhea.

I was put on this after my surgery for endometriosis to help suppress is and prevent recurrence. I had no issues other than unexplained migraines that started shortly after I started this pill. They're ruining my life and becoming more and more frequent and the only explanation is this pill. Other than that, it has worked well for me, but the migraines were enough for me to throw the rest of them in the trash and try something new.

Side Effects fordasetta 1/35 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) - User Comments


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some breast tenderness at first, was hungry and tired at first also.

this med is helping so far. I started out day 1 taking 40 mg then went up to 60 mg 2 days later now 120mg on day 4. i really hope this works because it is truly going to drive this miss daisy crazy!! the panic atttacks have been so bad lately

Started feeling better after second dose. During the first night after taking it, had severe sweats, but woke up feeling much better.

Hair lossStrokeBrain BleedsNo periodProlonged periodsHair lossMood swingsInter Cranial PressureTemp loss of eye sightAnd MoreMy daughter died from these issues

To prevent infection around sutures

THIS STUFF IS POISON.....BEWARE OF SIDE EFFECTS. FIRST DAY WITHOUT LITHIUM AND I STILL FEEL SIDE EFFECTS HOPEFULLY ALL GONE IN 5 DAYS please tread carefully with this medication, do your homework before taking this, it may work for some but deffinately not me.

Who can help? Any other comments, common experinces with TIC in hands, tremors or shaking of fingers. (difficult to explain)

Headaches, extreme tiredness (slept all day yesterday), loss of appitite, light headidness, upset stomach, depression

After taking Plavix for 3 months I have developed an intense and constant headache and blurring of vision in my right eye and some increased bruising and more bleedaing from small cuts.

menstrual cramping and pain with daily bleeding while on birth control pills.