Darzalex (daratumumab) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Darzalex (daratumumab)

Zero side effects. Long infusion time is tedious, but tolerable.

Miracle drug! After failing previous Velcade-based regimen, a single cycle of Dara normalized my serum lambda light chain numbers. I couldn’t be more impressed.

DARZALEX (DARATUMUMAB): This medication is used to treat a certain type of cancer (multiple myeloma). Daratumumab belongs to a class of drugs known as monoclonal antibodies. It works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

This medication should be taken off the market. People taking this medication are completely unaware of how dangerous it is. People need to be aware of the side effects that are not listed on the drug information. This drug should be illegal and the people who make it should be punished.

I am ubnable to take it in the morning, it knocks me out. I can take it at night and stay up though.

Muscle pain, weakness, dry mouth, insomnia

This medicine helped tremendously during a severe psychotic episode. It made me feel like a veggie, but that was better than what I was going through and it kept me out of the hospital. I was taking 20mg at bedtime and was tapered off once I was more stable.

I had been on Femodette for three years and then started to have very long irregular periods. This has stopped that, but I am just coming to the end of my third month and feel totally irrational, down, aggitated, fat, and so pleased I know why my hair has been coming out in handfuls. No one pill is right for everyone but it would have been nice to see these side affects in the leaflet I got.

I would recommend Saffron in place of this with GDP-choline. Also look into Dr. Dale Bresdehan’s work.

Mind fog, out of body feelings, tingling & cramping in hands, arms. Tense shoulders & neck. High anxiety at times, feels like an adrenaline rush. Also seems to come in waves. I can feel it coming on mid morning. An overall crappy feeling.

Initally none really to speak of - biggest difference: no more headaches. Now, having swelling and weight gain. Could tell a huge difference between brand v generic.

After taking one pill I felt weird. Panic attack, felt like I was going to faint and just felt like I was in an altered state of mind. Also felt like I would burst out in anger. Very strange. I'm glad I found this site; I'm not taking the rest!

its been a year and my skin is scared forever.i look at my skin and i regret ever taking lamisil for what the incompetent doctor thought was a nail fungus which eventually turned out to be a mole. i am still facing medical bills alone because i have to get tested every 3 month for after effects. i am also using medicated skin cream to lessen the effects of the scars on my skin.