Dapsone (dapsone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dapsone (dapsone)

If you take Dapsone please do a CBC blood test, every 2-3 weeks. I ended up with severe anemia due to hematosis. Dapsone breaks down your red blood cells. I was in the hospital for 11 days due to high fever, blood counts off the charts. Although Dapsone helped with the hives I had many symptoms that made me feel miserable. Chills, tingly numbing feeling, dry eyes, blurred vision and malaised.

Insomnia, depression, psychotic episode.

urticaria, urticarial vasculitis

Was the only drug added to others which has provided some relief for my 24/7 giant wheals which I had for 5 years before this drug

Initially my white blood count was low off and on.Upon taking it for the first time my -entire- body, which was completely plagued with sores, was completely free of the DH in slightly over 2 weeks.

I was told to take it as needed for DH due to celiac. For some people with DH it cures the issue after some time, however, I can only go about 2 days without it after taking it for over a week. Upon the 2 days of missing it I find a few sores on my elbows, knees and, occasionally, scalp; I can feel the pain recede after taking it when I've gone too long without it.Unfortunately, I will be a life-time dependent on Dapsone.

Diarrhoea / frequent lose bowel movements and soft stools / bloatedness. Some nerve tingling in legs.

The rash cleared almost immediately and the drug prevented further flare-ups. However, eventually the side effects were worse than the effects so I stopped. Now taking it again for PCP prophylactic. Ho-hum.

Possible sensory neuropathy, muscle cramps?

Cleared condition very well within a day or two, being evaluated for possible side effects mentioned, not sure this medication is the cause.

to prevent a form of pneumonia

none, but I am worried about the possibility that it is contributing to sensory neuropathy.

low red count, rapid heart rate, hair loss

wish there was a mdication for HIVES!!!

DAPSONE (DAPSONE): This medication is used to treat a certain type of skin disorder (dermatitis herpetiformis). It is also used with other drugs to treat Hansen's disease. Dapsone belongs to a class of drugs known as sulfones. It works by decreasing swelling (inflammation) and stopping the growth of bacteria. This medication will not work for viral infections (e.g., common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or misuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Suddenly felt like a new person 2 months after starting the drug. No pain, increased energy and don't need to go to bed at 8pm anymore. Feeling wonderful again!

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The medication does work, (I have had NO allergic symptoms, and that is amazing, since I am very allergic to any plant, tree pollen) But I am NOT dealing with these side effects. Going off of it TODAY and staying off FOREVER!

for the 4th time I tryed to get off Toprol xl cold turkey! it didnt work out for me. went on a natural medication for b.p (top rated)b/s!! turns out I was allergic to it,made b.p go up on me and heart rate went high! Iv been on toprol xl 150mg for about 3yrs now

Some weight gainSlightly worsened acne2-3 days each cycle of depressionOverall introverted feelingsLowered sex drive

Burns so bad when I use it but has cleared up 2 yeast infections caused by antibiotics so I will continue use but OMG OWWW

Severe acne, blurred vision, nausea, diarrhea, tremors, extreme thirst, excessive urination, somnolence, lethargy

Vicodin ES: Euphoria, relaxation, slight nausea(I only had a small snack with it)

I have lost 20 lbs; my blood pressure is MUCh lower and I have practically no appetite. It's much easier to resist those "bad" foods we all love because I just don't seem to want them at all. I take it with 500mg. metformin twice a day. This is a great medication; stay with it and your results should also show a great improvement.