Cyclogyl (cyclopentolate hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cyclogyl (cyclopentolate hydrochloride)

I was given this to help alleviate pain for a corneal abrasion. Not only was it impossible to get this prescribed filled (it has to be specially ordered), but it didn't do anything to help with the pain. All it does is dilate your eye and blur your vision. I think this was a poor medicinal recommendation from the doctor. Not only that but I only used one drop in my infected eye and the blurred vision and dilated eye lasted for four days. The drug pamphlet does say that the effects may last several days for certain people. Well I was one of those people and I must say it's a real pain. I recommend that if you take this product that you prepare yourself for the fact that you may need to take off of work for a few days until your eye gets better (especially if you work with computers). I don't think the medicine is worth it, to say the least. I will never use it again.

CYCLOGYL (CYCLOPENTOLATE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used before eye examinations (e.g., refraction exams). It belongs to a class of drugs known as anticholinergics. Cyclopentolate works by temporarily widening (dilating) the pupil of the eye and relaxing the muscles of the eye. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This is the only medication that has helped my insomnia. If I don't take it, I don't sleep. I have been on this for around 10 years and have had no serious side effects. Take with food and be ready to get in bed when you take it if taking for insomnia. It starts working fairly quickly.

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Be careful if you have to take Lotrel while taking several rounds of antibiotics, It proved to be a horrible combination for me. I have lost 2 and a half yrs of my life, lost my teaching job of 34 yrs due to the extreme fatigue and energy drain. Beware that the ace inhibitor in Lotrel caused me to loose my ability to speak normally. I feel anger towards drs that don't take the time to advise you of possible side effects. One dr actually told me to not look at the print outs the pharmacy gives you. Did not want me to look at a Merke Manual. Told me to throw it away. Yet with this GI dr I got pancreatitis from a drug he gave me and intestinal damage from antibiotics. You know your body. You can take the time to become informed about med side effects. Many drs just rush you through like cattle and push the pills. Some will take the time and listen.