Cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride (cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride (cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride)

Worked well to ease back spasms, but made me sluggish and tired. Also made my mouth dry. But I will put up with these side effects because the spasms were much worse.

Cause my spasms and back pain to get much worse when took a whole pill at bed time.

I have been taking this med as needed for years, usually only a half a pill at bedtime and didn't have any problems with it. Recently I threw out the middle of my back and was having very bad muscle spasms so started taking a whole pill at bedtime. I would sleep for an hour, then the med would kick in and the pain was so bad in my back it would wake me up and keep me awake. I would have to take an RX pain pill to stop the pain it was so bad. I rarely take the RX pain pill and usually only a I was taking a whole one every night. Did some searching on here and elsewhere on the net to see if this could make the spasms and pain worse...found a scattered few who also experienced this. So last night I didn't take the muscle relaxant and finally had a peaceful nights sleep without being woken up with terrible back pain. Wish I had figured it out sooner, the last couple of weeks have been so horrible with this pain, every since I started taking a whole muscle relaxant. I may never use this medication again. I have alot of back problems and thought this was realizing it may have been making things worse all along. They should let people know it can cause what its suppose to help with..

Side Effects forcyclobenzaprine hydrochloride (cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Extreme anxiety and insomnia as well as frightening nightmares burning stomach leg pain dry lips I will be stopping immediately

I haven't had any side effects.

I can't live without it!! So allergic, I couldn't take allergy shots.

Nausea, heart palpitations, weird body sensations, fatigue, depressed mood.... shall I go on?

Also lost weight appetite and when he does eat he ends up vomiting everything up so now going to check about a possible ulcer

I hate the feeling. I have taken it only one day and am scared t take it. Hence, after reading this I am not going to either.

Anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia

to add on to my previous side effects... I have been very fatigued, I am always exhausted. I have no energy at all. I feel drained constantly no matter how long I sleep.

I was hospitalized due to the worst stomach pains imaginable. I had diarrhea, dizziness, Vertigo and vomiting. I do not recommend this product the doctor told me that they prescribe this product for soldiers in Afghanistan for malaria and many soldiers experience same symptoms that pretty much incapacitated them. If you can ask for Amoxicillin. My doctor told me all of these symptoms are common with this medication.

My "doctor" told me that he hadn't prescribed this drug in six years. Obviously not using his logic, he went ahead and prescribed it. I took it at 7:00 Wednesday night, it's now Thursday at 5:00, and I feel effing terrible. Read what other people have posted, I guarantee it's not an exaggeration. Adverse effects are very very severe. I took it at 300 mg. It's comparable to having serotonin syndrome--it sucks, but it better be temporary