Cyclessa (desogestrel; ethinyl estradiol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cyclessa (desogestrel; ethinyl estradiol)

Horrible nausea randomly throughout the day. After 3 days of trying to endure it, I had to stop.

Cyclessa didn't work with my body. But try other birth control pills, they are definitely not all the same or have the same side effects.

Side Effects forcyclessa (desogestrel; ethinyl estradiol) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

i believe we are not told that these are actually documented side effects of this drug. run from acid blockers; i wish i had of run from them. now im paying a dear price

I think this is an extremely dangerous drug. Even though I always took it exactly as directed, never lying down afterwards, I had this frightening, painful, and potentially dangerous side effect. I would never take it again.

You have to stick the first few days out...the side effects DO subside. There are some that stick around but there is relief from anxiety and panic. Sexual side effects are there, however, you can work around it...

everything you can thnks of...

foggy brain, weakness, maybe anxiety

started on 30 and felt a little weird but doc increased me to 60 and i felt miserable.. like it was going to jump out of my skin, reduced back but killed my sex drive, freezing cold all the time, vertigo/ dizzy spells, emotionally dead / not feeling anything, woke me up early but i would tire out again halfway through the day, became very easy to startle .. sudden movements or loud noises made me jump out of my skin, started having so many aches and pains that I began to be treated as though I may have Fibromyalgia... one of the very conditions it's supposed to treat!!

Shot given in upper left arm. No pain when given. Side effects started within 5 min of shot with worst reaction at around 29 hours post shot.


First time on ADs. Felt a bit 'high' the first 2-3 days. Not at all unpleasant. I'm on 10mg and feel much more steady overall. My mind has settled down and I actually feel a bit sharper. The sexual side-effects are really getting to me though. I need to be on this stuff because I'm going through difficult times and serious high-stress/frustration at work, but I'd love to get off. Dr. said he might put me on 10 mg. of Celexa after I give this a try for another week or so. For the first time in a long time I'm actually enjoying spending time with my wife and kids. Still, the sexual side-effects are messing with me.

This drug is good if one wants to be feelingless. There is improvement in depression primarily is due to no presence of mind, body or soul. Does not help with the pain. I will continue to take it for another four weeks and than see if the side effects go away. I did try 60ml for two days and my mind could not handle it - back to 30mg.