Cyanocobalamin (cyanocobalamin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cyanocobalamin (cyanocobalamin)

Infrequent pain at shot site. After a month of injections I had more energy, no more gastritis and feel great.

Side Effects forcyanocobalamin (cyanocobalamin) - User Comments


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I now eat and drink just about anything I want. I do notice a few things still affect me, but this drug is fantastic! I never experience pain during intercourse anymore and the frequency of my urination is usually normal. I do notice if I stop taking it for a couple of days or only take it sporadically, my symptoms begin to return. Once I'm back on track, they disappear again. I will gladly keep taking it for the rest of my life.

RASH all over face, neck and hands - stomach pain and bleeding. Rash still not gone one week later - small blister type dots filled with water and painful. Am now on steroids to try and get rid of rash. DON'T TAKE THIS!

makes food and flaovred drinks taste strange. black outs

I lost several days of work and $6000 in the emergency room thinking I had a stroke; I was diagnosed with vertigo but there was no cause; MRI and EKG showed no problems. Many doctors later, I googled "side effects of Boniva" at the suggestion of my husband -- and found this site. Needless to say, I will never take it again. I only hope it hasn't done too much damage already. This drug is much too strong to be dispensed as cavalierly as it is. I have reported it to the FDA, sent my doctor all 84 pages of feedback on this site, and plan to send a letter to GlaxoSmithKline as well. A pill that costs over a $100 per dose shouldn't be making me sick. It should be fixing my bones. I'd rather have a hump in my 80s than feel like I'm 80 when I'm 50! Plus, there is no guarantee that all this pain is even working. They "think" it restores bones. They should try it themselves and see what it's like to be unable to see because of migraines or walk because of joint p

This has been a life saver for me. It helps me stay focused and been a little less impulsive. It doesn't "cure" my ADHD. I see it is a very useful tool that I use along with other strategies.

I just wanted to know if the strange discharge was normal. Seems to be.

No side effects apparently, but am also on tamoxifen which has many side effects, so may be attributing any to it instead.

the earaches are back, but who cares. I awoke to screaming head pain for almost a week after stopping cold turkey. I got back the person I used to be- energenic, creative, content, optomistic... I will NEVER take this again.

Lightheadedness, difficulty getting and maintaining an erection, dry orgasm, swollen scrotum, anxiety, heart palpitations, sudden blurred vision (scary!).

Severly damaging to the stomach lining. No ability what so ever to orgasm, Vomiting for over 2 weeks in a row. Night sweats, vivid dreams, hot flashes, bad.