Creon (pancrelipase (amylase;lipase;protease)) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Creon (pancrelipase (amylase;lipase;protease))

CREON (PANCRELIPASE (AMYLASE;LIPASE;PROTEASE)): This medication contains digestive enzymes to help break down and digest fats, starch, and proteins in food. It is used in conditions where the pancreas cannot make or does not release enough digestive enzymes into the small intestines to digest the food (e.g., chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, cancer of the pancreas, post-pancreatectomy, post-gastrointestinal bypass surgery). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My two year old tested positive

fatigue, dizziness that comes and goes, a little weight gain

None so far, I have taken Prilosec for just under two years to keep my acid reflux in check as well as protect the lining of my esphagis from being deteriorated any more. Im not a good speller but that has nothing to do with prilosec. I Found no evidence of any of the side effects listed on this web site exept for some slight gas but i am also slightly lactose intolerant.

Depression relieved, yet having low libido. Not sure if it's from the med or due to hormones.

After the 1st day, i developed a headache, felt like a vice grip. I also had itching on my chest, arms, head and face. After the 3rd day of taking the medicine, my doctor said I could stop taking it. The itching cleared up pretty quickly, but that night I developed diarrhea and have had bad stomach cramping, continued diarrhea, bloating, off and on nausea and loss of appetite for four days now. Hoping it will be out of my system soon. The worst part of my surgery hasn't been the pain, it's been the side effects of the medication Wish I never took it. .

breathless at night after stroke

The medicine works on Pulmonary Sarcoidosis, but the side affects are horrible. I can barely walk due to knee pain in both knees. I have been to the hospital on 2 occasions thinking I had a blood clot in my lower legs due to serious pain. Now my knees hurt so bad, I am unable to get up without assistance.

This product has done wonders for me !! I manufactured paints most of my life, breathing in many toxins and suffered before my doctor prescribed.

Then I read the detailed prescription that comes with Ambien - was down in the smallprint was some of the side affects I was having so-called "serious side effects - discontinue use and call doctor"-type ones.I didnt bother, just tossed the Ambien. So, the first night after getting rid of these pills I started to feel better, took half a clonazapan to help relax me just before bedtime. Slept 7 hours solid, woke up to a different world. After several days of this I am feeling better, happier than ever.So, even if you are experiencing poor quality sleep, I would check carefully before deciding on Ambien. I had a seemingly rare, but very unpleasant reaction that took a while to figure out. I will settle for 5-6 hours of sleep a night (plus a 15-minute nap at lunchtime) just to feel my old happy self again. I have never before had any kind of anxiety/depression in my life and this was definitely medication-induced.So if Ambien is giving you any of these feelings (that yo

It works, but the side effects suck pls use small amounts its worth it in the long run.