Cosentyx (secukinumab) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cosentyx (secukinumab)

COSENTYX (SECUKINUMAB): Treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis in adults who do not respond well to medication applied directly to the skin (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Constipation only, no discomfort from it, just a lack of bowel movements

pain,itching,hives,lumps and dents

I was having horrible pains in my kidneys and could hardly breathe or walk due to it. The Cipro helped with the infection pretty quickly and I could actually relax and breath normal and walk. The Cipro gives me a motion sickness/nauseous feeling a few hours after I take it in the morning. I feel slightly woozy and hazey, but other than that I have no joint pain. I chalk my side effects up to the common side effects it said I would have. I took care of my problem very well and I have been feeling much better. I look forward to when I'm done taking the antibiotic so that the woozy/hazey feeling goes away, but it's nothing that completely disrupts my day.

I have cramps in the uterus just a day or few before my period start. I feel a little depress and grumpy during these few days also. No diziness or else.

I have noticed a huge weight gain, I have worse acne than I ever did going through puberty. I also have noticed numbness in my feet and chest pain.

Low back pain following surgery

It really did the trick in terms of creating vaginal lubrication and elasticity. It went in easily, I couldn't feel it, all was good. I have taken an anti-depressant for about 3 years, and after about 2 weeks of using Estring, I had all the old, miserable depression symptoms again. I can't find any reference to Estring counteracting anti-depressant medication- anyone know anything about that? I removed the ring and the symptoms went away. I'm disappointed I have to choose between painless sex or sanity, but I'm going with sanity!

loss of sex drive. any intoxication related side effects eventually went away with tolerance but the effect of preventing migraines was still there. like people have said it sucks if you miss a dose.

I did not experience dry mouth or any kind of digestive issues.

I started taking Macrobid on Jan 2, 2010 and completed a 7 day course. I was exhausted and had a headache and chills, but attributed it to the infection. I did notice a slight rash on my leg, but didn't attribute to macrobid. Approximately 2 weeks later the infection recurred, I was placed back on Macrobid and took about 5 pills. I had a headache, jaw, ear and neck pain. When I woke up on the 4th day of treatment, I had hives on my legs, arms, back, etc. I stopped the antibiotic, called the nurse took a benadryl. That evening the hives got worse, clinics were closed, I felt exceedingly ill and did not have the energy to do much other than take more benadryl and cover my body w/calamine. By 8am the rash was so bad that I could barely get up. When I got to the walk in clinic, I was short of breath, I had hives LITERALLY from head to toe, chills, etc and was sent to the ER. I was given prednisone and an additional antihistimine. Two days later and I am still on the course of treatment from the ER, I have hives (though they come and go...but not gently), headache, chills, hot skin, neck and ear pain. Upon picking up the first prescription for this, I looked at it and told my boyfriend that it looked like poison. I am only hoping that when the 6 days of steroid treatment ends, I the hives will be gone. It is sheer luck that I didn't take another pill, as I would likely have gone into shock. I will NEVER take this again and would strongly suggest that no one else does.