Cormax (clobetasol propionate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cormax (clobetasol propionate)

After using the cream for 2 days my eczema is almost completely gone. Its amazing.

CORMAX (CLOBETASOL PROPIONATE): This medication is used to treat a variety of skin conditions (e.g., eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, allergies, rash). Clobetasol reduces the swelling, itching, and redness that can occur in these types of conditions. This medication is a very strong (super-high-potency) corticosteroid. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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A lot of bleeding and cramping the first few months. Slowly upped the dosage to 15 mg a day, whenever we upped the dose, I would bleed and once had a decidous cast (so painful!). Now that I have been on it a few months and the dosage is stable.. I have reaches amenorea and am not bleeding at all. Weight gain, sleeping issues and depression are the worst side effects for me. But this drug has stopped the pain associated with endometriosis and has shrunk my ovarian cysts. I will stick with this drug despite the side effects for now, because the other options (lupron, surgery) have worst effects.

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Difficulty breathing,muscle soreness,depression,bad rashes etc. and I'm only on 12.5mg. At 18.75mg I was going nuts and the Cardio thought I was not trying. It's not worth it. I never had high BP until I was loaded with drugs.I also take Altace,Pacerone which is scary, and lasix. Before Toprol was Coreg. which is as bad as Toprol

It helped regulate my period and I had virtually no breakthrough bleeding. I did not find it to affect my sex drive at all.

Side effects last too long. Disappointed. Is there a cure? Had previously used it for about 30 days followed by over the counter niacin for another 60 days with no HDL benefit, although cholesterols were lowered, I thought I would give it another full try, but this rash stopped that.Has anyone had a successful cure for this rash?

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no side effects just no period yet after 19 days of taking them and just a few spotting

On the drug exactly two weeks now and have had slight heartburn from day one. It seems to be helping with my temper, though. I'm on 1000 mg a day, and I'm assuming this will go down, as I have read that everyone else is on 750 mg a day. I'm not sure why I'm on so much. Today my skin is a little itchy which makes me paranoid because Wellbutrin gave me a rash and severe chest pain at week two - totally sucked, as it was working great. Hopefully the itching is related to something else but I doubt it. I am eating more, by the way. WAY more. Still, I'd rather be fat than high strung. Hope I don't get a rash.