Coreg cr (carvedilol phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Coreg cr (carvedilol phosphate)

Still have shortness of breath unable to sleep cant breathe i really dont like this drug it makes you feel tired

have had a few pains but they may be because of recent major surgery. So hesitant to blame drug.

This drug has helped me finally control my blood pressure. I take it in addition to Losartan. Before this I have had several other drugs that did not help and diuretics caused terrible sciatica pain.

Viral CHF at 22 yrs old now 28 yr.

at start of hear failure EF 10, Now EF 30 first couple years on 50 mg.2 times a day. now 12.5 X2 day. So many side effects, depression, weight gain, nightmares, not myself. raised my blood surgar level, had gout,. I hate this med. but did it save my life... I don't know. I wish there was something else I could take. also on much fluid pills still, sugar pill ,lisinapril, digoxin, yuk. don"t know if I should be taking all of this. I work everyday and still lead a fairly normal life.

This works very well for me, but I had to discontinue because of the expense. I'm taking the regular coreg instead.

Chronic Fatigue, ears ringing, fullness in ears, seeing spots, dizzy, heavy legs & arms, loss of interest, could not focus on work, slow mental state

Starting to wean off if now, reduced dose to 10 mg for 10 days then stopping completely..

I have experienced extremely fast weight gain. However, I am also on Lexapro which could be the cause. Otherwise, no side effects.

Originally went to the Cardiologists for chest pain. After a stress test they discovered I had Mitral Valve Prolapse. Cardiologist prescribed Coreg CR and it has completely taken away my chest pain.

COREG CR (CARVEDILOL PHOSPHATE): Carvedilol is used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. It is also used after a heart attack to improve the chance of survival if your heart is not pumping well. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This drug works by blocking the action of certain natural substances in your body, such as epinephrine, on the heart and blood vessels. This effect lowers your heart rate, blood pressure, and strain on your heart. Carvedilol belongs to a class of drugs known as alpha and beta blockers. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Well I am allergic to steroids and a doctor put me on one and said I'd be fine for a sinus infection turns out after four pills taking the first night I wind up in the hospital with high blood pressure racing heart things out of control because my blood pressure going up

I will not take this drug again.

you know i could tell this to every one but im sure you all know but Oxycontin works at first but you do build up a dependency for them,,its not for every one,if you have head pain or any other and you cant eat or sleep and you want to get away from that pill go to a state where medical cannabis is legal it really helps on a lot of thing oxys are supposed to help with and its more natural then u know just about every thing else

I took the generic and I will never take this again

My acne condition was never really that bad (compared to some). spot here and there, and frequently small white spots. this medicine has helped a great deal, spots are now much less frequent. 1 every day and half does the job.

Due to taking Protonix for several years, my bones had thinned so that my left wrist broke easily in 2004, and I was put on Actonel 35mg once a week. Immediately my hair quit falling out, the food ceased being caught between my teeth, and a few other symptoms cleared up. In May, 2007, three and a half years into Actonel therapy, I rammed my foot against an immovable object and it didn't hurt my foot, but excruciating pain occurred in my hip. So bad was it that I wasn't sure I would be able to walk. Chiropractic manipulation didn't help. The pain radiated into my thigh so that it made sitting painful. Sometime around Oct. 2008, I heard about Fosamax sometimes causing jaw joint problems. I thought joint..maybe my hip joint is from the Actonel, so I ceased taking it. Slowly the pain started leaving and took about 6 weeks to disappear. In Feb. 2009, I started noticing some of my symptoms that cleard with the Actonel, and since I had a three month supply, I started taking the Actonel

protonix helped with no side effects but that was 5years ago

Muscule aches & pains - Went to the orthopedic Dr. for a shot in the knee. Liver count went to over 600. Stopped taking & liver count went back to normal. Then I had a series of tests for pains across my midsection.Have Fatty strands in my Liver. Now I have Rheumatoid Arthtitis.I think it could be the result of taking Lipitor.