Conzip (tramadol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Conzip (tramadol hydrochloride)

slight constipation, slight nausea upon first use

Conzip extended release worked very well for controlling gastrointestinal challenges associated with Crohn's -- One 100mg ER capsule in the morning distracted from my pain all day and got my appetite back. It also makes one slightly constipated (which is a benefit for sufferers of Crohn's!). In Canada this is called Durela

CONZIP (TRAMADOL HYDROCHLORIDE): See also Warning section. This medication is used to help relieve severe ongoing pain. Tramadol is similar to opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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hot flashes,nausea and ovulation pain

The first day or two I had no adverse affects. Then I began feeling very ANXIOUS and JITTERY, literally shaking and trembling. Also had a headache. A general feeling of being very sick, to such extent that I went to the ER at 1:00am on the fifth day. My CT and blood work came back normal. Doc told me to stop taking the meds. I am keeping my fingers crossed this will get out of my system soon and I will feel back to normal.

Been taking for a month (500mg 3 times a day) and have noticed no improvement or symptoms or weight loss yet.

MOODINESS during third week, nausea during mid cycle

The day after I received the vax, I experienced horrible chills with teeth chattering. This was in the summer. I was so weak I had to crawl to the bathroom. Deep regret for getting it.

It's done more harm than good for my son. Headaches, Dizzy and severe stomach pain. He is no longer going to be taking it. Has anyone found anything to help with the stomach pains?

I posted on this site 2 1/2 years ago,thanking all of you for the warning about these drugs.

600 mg. 3x/day: severe fatigue, depression. Next day, 400 mg. 3x/day: exhaustion, nausea, sleepiness all day. On 3d day, after 1st dose,I felt even worse, cancelled church, because didn't feel safe to drive.

I believe it was the adhesive and not the Fentanyl. I do not know what to do. It was very good for so many years and it seems as though the glue started the problem and nothing we could do to stop it.

No emotion at all. Complete lack of motivation to do anything at all. This feels like torture to me and makes me feel suicidal. Insatiable hunger all day long; I've put on 10 kilos. I'm now withdrawing very slowly, hoping the psychosis will not return. I'm now at 3.75mg down from 10mg, but still feel no emotions or motivation. i hope i don't end up here forever.