Contac (chlorpheniramine maleate; phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Contac (chlorpheniramine maleate; phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride)

Racing Heart, Dry Mouth, Anxiety

Works well enough,I take it for congestion due to allergies although it's meant as a cold and flue medicine. Works better for me than any allergy med other than Benadryl .. which unfortunately doubles as a sleeping pill.

Side Effects forcontac (chlorpheniramine maleate; phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

was fine for the first month then after that it became hard for me to take it, althought i did not want to take it i still did to give it time to work after taking the pill for 3 months i have now become pregnant whilst taking it this is a pill i would not reccomend to anyone

only side effect: increasing anxiety starting from the 5th hour in

I had to quit taking them because of all the side effects that just wouldn't pass.

I had to go through it twice and i still am not able to have sex. I have the same symptoms before i started it and before the vaginitis was discovered. yet my gyno syas i have no infection and that im perfectly fine. I hope the burning stops soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Delayed Orgasm, Spaciness, Twitches, High Blood Pressure

Ive been on for about 2 months. When I first went on it, the headaches were horrible, but passed after about a week. Was VERY tired, now that I take it at night its good. Defintely helping the depression. HORRIBLE NIGHT SWEATS and Night mares though, but its worth it to be normal. Itchy scalp and a little bit of teeth grinding and memory loss

I was in absolute agony for the time I was taking this medication.We didn't even think about the drug causing these side effects as there was nothing on the info sheet. It was only after my husband looked it up on the internet that we realized what was going on. We were angry that none of these symptoms, which appear to be quite common, are not on the information sheet

This pill has impacted my work, but more importantly my parenting. My fatigue has caused me to have my children miss their activities. I would"nap" and not be able to wake-up easily. I am stopping as of tomorrow and hopefully like the other women here will feel better soon. I am beginning to become depressed and I feel I am lossing my mind! Happy to see the other comments that reinforces my belief it is do to the pill. My doctor told me to wait it out because this pill "shouldn't" do this. One way to find out that is to stop it! Oh by the way no history of depression or anxiety here either.

I took the generic form of Provera along with Metformin for my PCOS. I did not have a period for over a year and a half before taking this medication. My period started approx. 3 days after my last pill. The first day of my period I had a light to normal flow. The second day was heavy with some small clots and cramping. As my period continues I have had alot of cramping and an increased amount of clots. The flow is very heavy. I have been using super plus tampons along with an overnight pad. I had to stay home from work today because of the cramping and nausea. I hope all this pain is worth it. I just have to keep thinking of my final goal, a beautiful baby, then all this will have been worth it. I am glad I finally got a period, but I can't wait for it to be over.

Chronic acne, insomnia (reduced sleep duration), periodic mouth ulceration (canker sores) especially with candy coated gum. (Uncoated gum rarely if ever causes a canker)