Colcrys (colchicine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Colcrys (colchicine)

First week I experienced the gastro symptoms with very bad nausea. After that went away, no further problems.

No side effects on day 1 but no relief from pain either. On day 2 severe diarrhea lasting well into day three when the pain was significantly less

Would much rather use colchorine which is more effective in pain relief and with no diarrhea

Over priced. Colchicine not available anymore and forced to use this. FDA RIP OFF!!!!

I did not have any gastrointestinal problems at all like others experience. I did, however, have a lot of hair loss. This drug was prescribed to me off label to help with Behcet's mouth ulcers but it did not help.

I have taken both Colchicine and Colcrys. Same effects and response.

I was taking colcrys only when I had a gout attack. Those attacks started coming every 5 to 10 days. I talked with my Dr. and told him why not take colcrys as a maintenance drug. I started taking colcrys 1 every day. The attacks stoped. I am now taking colcrys every other day and have not had gout since January 2012. I gave the drug 5 stars because it does what it is supposed to do for me. One more thing for gout suffers. I know this will not be true for all of you but I was taking meds for high blood preasure a number of those meds put some people at a far higher risk for gout. I believe this happened to me.

The first day i felt a little nauseas but after that it's been fine.

I started taking colcrys 10 days ago after a month long series of unexplainable severe joint pains in my ankle, knee and then elbow. I plan to stay on it. I have not had a gout flare in 10 days. i haven't felt really good like this in about 3 months. I've tried to avoid red meat, beer, shellfish but still drink red wine. i think i began having gout flares years ago when I tried to lose weight on the atkins diet and was eating a lot of red meat. I'm 6'0" and 240 lbs. keeping my fingers crossed that I have no more pain.

Swollen lips, milk-white slime on tongue and in mouth, raspy voice.

Colchicine was removed from distribution in September of 2010, even though it had been used for gout, in a variety of forms, since 500 AD.Now, Colcrys is the only replacement. Obviously, I am allergic to Colcrys which worries me greatly as I used Colchicine to thwart off gout attacks. Without Colchicine I anticipate unnecessary pain and suffering.

NONE that I was aware of. Please know that I was taking COLCHICINE by Westwari ... and I could not find that listing in RATE THIS MEDICINE.

I TOOK COLCHICINE NOT COLCRYS .. by Westwari .. not able to locate plain old Colchicine!Normally, colchicine was prescribed for Gout. I had INFLAMMATION OF THE PERICARDIAL SAC ... and Pericarditis!I was originally on DIGOXIN... but there were so many side effects from that, they had to take me off of it and substituted COLCHICINE!It seemed to take care of the problem along with LOTS OF IBUPROFEN/400mg/tab, 2 tabs 3x's per day!! for two months. Very scary when you take that along with Aspirin also. I was waiting for a bleed to occur!

Oh my God, this drug was FABULOUS...I have had gout before and have been on colchicine - which usually worked, but the diarehha was AWFUL,,,also had some nausea.I don't know what was worse, sitting on the toilet all day or suffering from unbearable pain from gout.

I have been on allopurinal now for a few months, but still continue to get gout, once my doctor added this drug to help kill the gout flar, I was like a new man!!! By far, this drug gave me the fasted relief from pain, AND NO DIAHRREA!!!! Love it!

COLCRYS (COLCHICINE): This medication is used to prevent or treat gout attacks (flares). Usually gout symptoms develop suddenly and involve only one or a few joints. The big toe, knee, or ankle joints are most often affected. Gout is caused by too much uric acid in the blood. When uric acid levels in the blood are too high, the uric acid may form hard crystals in your joints. Colchicine works by decreasing swelling and lessening the build up of uric acid crystals that cause pain in the affected joint(s). This medication is also used to prevent attacks of pain in the abdomen, chest, or joints caused by a certain inherited disease (familial Mediterranean fever). It is thought to work by decreasing your body's production of a certain protein (amyloid A) that builds up in people with familial Mediterranean fever. Colchicine is not a pain medication and should not be used to relieve other causes of pain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I had been on depo before, my first shot was a success no problems whatsoever. It had been about 4 months after that I decided to try it once more. When I tell you it was the worst mistake I could of ever mad. I have been so moody my poor bf is tired of me I'm constantly lashing out at him accusing him of cheating and I can't stop I feel like it's made me crazy. Before the shot I was such a happy person so energetic now I hardly want to do anything, I guess different people have different side affects I don't have the same appetite as before I get sick of eating I take three bites and I can't taste the food after followed with nausea. Avoid this shot at all costs it's not worth it.

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