Colbenemid (colchicine; probenecid) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Colbenemid (colchicine; probenecid)

achy joints, some hair loss, muscles are stiff and sore

Side Effects forcolbenemid (colchicine; probenecid) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

I'm not giving up..i'm hoping that the side effects will wear down and it'll be worth it...

Usual bee sting-style, red itchy lumps. Cannot inject in my arms or legs because I am thin and it just hurts like hell, so my stomach and back have become a dimpled mess. Have had a couple of those scary bouts of breathlessness, hot flushing where you feel like you're going to keel over and pass out.

Moody, depressed, breaking into tears. Argumentative constantly and tired all the time.

Like so many others, this drug has allowed me to get my life back! After years of being essentially house bound and in constant agony, and going from dr to dr trying to figure out what was wrong, after trying every otc drug, all kinds of "therapies" that only made me feel worse, and of course being told either it was "in my head" or else "learn to live with it" (grrrr) I finally found a doctor with the compassion to really listen and HELP! Though I started early on with the combination drugs containing an opiate and acetomiophen or such as percocet and vicodin, I was limited in getting relief by the high levels of the NSAIDs so after much discussion decided to try just the opiate via Oxycontin. I really can't praise it enough. I have also tried the duragesic patch and some other opiates, but the oxycontin has the least side effects and works the best over all. It was so good to have a life again! WE even moved to Florida for a chance to feel even better ou

The dry cough began immediately. I started on 5/20 and now am on 5/40. I have had this tremendous unease and feeling of anxiety, general depression about my life and sleeplessness.

I went into the e.r due to a massive panic attack I had all day when I got there they gave me fluids and a malox cocktail bc of the nausea and also wanted to give me promethazine however I explained I couldn’t due to my current medication so they administered compazine instead which id never heard of. What a freakin nightmare! I thought I was beginning to calm down but I got the sudden feeling that my skin was crawling especially my legs bc I was so drained from my long day of panic attack I fell asleep for 10 minutes and woke up in horrible jitters and insomnia I begged them to help me so the nurse said they can give me benedryl but I thought it would make me worse so I passed. When I went home I finally got some on and off again sleep today it is 3:30p.m and I still can feel the effects not as bad but it is there and makes it hard to focus on my day. This needs to be banned immediately or researched and revised. Please!!

I've had Crohn's disease for about 26 years now. Have been on Asacol for most of that time but would have repeated flare ups. I started to develope pretty bad reactions to the prednisone used to control the flare ups so my doctor put me on Imuran. It kept me flare up free for about 4 years until I convinced him to try to get me off the Imuran. I had been on 100 mg. and he reduced the dosage to 50 mg. Within 3 months I developed another flare up. Went up to 75 mg. of the Imuran and have felt great ever since.

Felt terrible the first day of taking it but powered through it and things seemed to clear up however i noticed slowly increasing levels of depression and irritability which climaxed on day 30 with a full blown panic attack and/or allergic reaction consisting of tight throat, pain swallowing, pounding heartbeat and shortness of breath. Its now 2 and a half weeks later and i still feel severe anxiety and constipation and as though my body just isnt getting enough nutrients or energy. I'm steadily improving but have literally never felt worse due to any sickness or injury. Do not take this drug.

on 25mg and can fall asleep very easily with it so really great cure for insomnia

ear ,thorat,& respitory infection