Col-probenecid (colchicine; probenecid) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Col-probenecid (colchicine; probenecid)

After 45 years of taking it I realized that it weakens the bone density especially at the femoral neck. It’s been confirmed.

The benefits are much higher than the side effects. It has stopped the FMF attacks!

Side Effects forcol-probenecid (colchicine; probenecid) - User Comments


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Posting for my daughter so we can give everyone information to add to their knowledge of this drug. It worked GREAT for 2 1/2 years until her body started building antibodies and she stopped feeling so good for about six months. No flares until the end-then the colonoscopy showed the disease had travel from just the rectum/left side to the entire colon. DRAT! But Remicade doesn't stop the disease just minimizes the reaction of the body to it. So, we had to go off Remicade and are now using Lialda tablets, which are holding her. We went from infusions every 8 weeks to 4 pills every morning and nightly Canasa suppositories when she'll use them. Remicade worked-it was scarey to think of the potential long term-but if it works for you and you have quality of life instead of being chained to the toilet, unable to function. Four years ago we hadn't heard of this disease-now we are learning to live with it. Good luck to all! From Ash's mom.

It was recommended in a trial of R-EEG to find what meds should work best for me. It worked ok for a while at a high dose of 250 mg and now I'm at 350 mg and it's quit working. worked ok for about 6 months but I've been through over 10 anti-depressants and nothing's worked for long. I've gained 20 pounds since starting to take it.

For six years I have been trying to help my heavy periods. I had periods that would continue for 2 weeks straight, and be heavy the whole time. I could not go for an hour without having to change a super plus tampon. Then I would only have two weeks without a period and then it would start again. This was highly effecting how I could live my life, and I found it difficult to even go to school when I had my period, as I couldn't even sit through one class without having to go to the bathroom. I tried many different birth control pills, but none worked or made any difference at all. I finally tried Depo-provera, which worked, but after a year, I got my period and it lasted for over three months straight. I switched to Seasonale, and it is the only birth control that has worked for me so far. It has been a miracle and has really saved my life. I have no breakthrough bleeding, and when I get my periods, they only last about 4 days, and are fairly light. I can't say how much this has helped

Have tried Tamoxifen and Arimidex, both seriously impacted on my quality of life. I am giving Femara a go but thinking maybe of just enjoying my life and settling for an increased risk of recurrence rather than being miserable.

Everything under the sun. Numbness, pins and needles, joint pain, splitting headache, fever, chills, insomnia, hyperhidrosis, nausea, sharp pains in my abdomen, feeling weak, confused, blurry vision, photosensitivity, congestion, sore throat, dry mouth, bad breath, awful taste in mouth, anxiety, fits of crying, feeling like I'm going to die, and panicking.

Increased urination; nausea; high blood pressure (165/110); being highly emotional; feeling "flat"; more anxiety; and tired during the day.

If you are taking this medicine to clear up your allergies, keep an eye out on it because it caused severe migraine like headaches for me. I will never take this again!

It was a lifesaver for me. I got my life and career back. Before the diagnosis I was made to feel like I was either imagining my symptoms or making them up. Early treatments were with over filling the bladder and later with DMSO. Both were horrible and not very effective. I do have to avoid soda as it irritates my bladder even with Elmiron. I only take Elmiron twice a day, rather than the 3 times it is prescribed, and that seems to be sufficient. I am wondering about long term effects and hope that I can continue taking it for the rest of my life as I cannot imagine going back to the pain and poor sleep I experienced before finding it.

had to stop taking it too many side affects, lowerd my cholesterol nicely but made me miserable with each passing month.

To get off insulin and weight loss