Codeine sulfate (codeine sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Codeine sulfate (codeine sulfate)

Excellent medicine for cough and body aches

CODEINE SULFATE (CODEINE SULFATE): See also Warning section. This medication is used to help relieve mild to moderate pain. Codeine belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

The pros definately outweigh the cons. I was a newlywed when I was diagnosed and I had horrible pain with intercourse before I began my injections. A month after I started Lupron I had no pain. The day or so after I get my injection I feel kind of cruddy and get a pretty bad headache. I also have hot flashes everyday and mood swings. All of these side effects are definately worth it. I feel so much better!

It did not have any beneficial effects for me. I gave up on it because the side effects though diminished were still very negative and i felt worse than not taking anything. Simply was not the right medication for me. It has put me off SSRI's and has made me resistant to try other medications.

Please fix the adhesive or whatever is causing the skin irritation/itchiness/burning!

I was being weaned from lamictal (caused more seizures) and introduced to depakote. Transition went well, but now that I'm on just the depakote, I feel like I'm in a fog or 'suspended animation' for about 4 hrs after taking a dose. My coordination is poor, my speech is slurring. I don't know if it will affect my seizures since I've been on it just over a week by itself. Considering its current effects, my hope is slim. Within 48 hrs of beginning the drug, my hand & foot flesh became terribly dehydrated, wrinkled, separating into small patches, ripping off if I inadvertently brushed up against something. Moisturizer hasn't helped. The visual and headache side effects of the lamictal have ceased, but it seems a whole new trainload of terror is awaiting me. I'd been on depakote years ago and forgot why I came off of it. Between then and now,everything else has had horrific side effects, particularly the lamictal and topomax which nearly killed me(I guess a side effect of being dead should be okay if I'm seizure-free?). From reading the patient reviews, I share many of the same side effects. If the depakote doesn't do something positive in about 3 mos, I'll go back to no Rx at all where I would have 1 or 2 seizures per 3 to 5 years; on Rxs, I have about 4-5 per 2 months. The state requires me to be on a Rx and seizure free if I am to continue to drive;if the Rx causes the seizures, how then will I ever become seizure free? Somewhere, I'm missing the logic in all of

Stopping this PPI was deliverance from suffering.

Fingers, toes and lips tingle, soda tastes awful, appetite isnt the same as some foods taste different. My sleeping pattern is off, I seem to have more restless nights. And really bad heart burn...its awful!

I was given this medication to help headaches, but instead I slept for 14 hours straight after taking the first dose. Felt very lethargic after waking up and almost blacked out while standing.

To the person that claims that only the Claritin D causes side effects, you are very wrong. Check your facts.

Drowsy, but not only did it help my anxiety, it eliminated my chronic headaches! I am very cautious of the addictive nature of this med, but there was NOTHING else that was non-addictive that was helping my anxiety/headaches.

Shame about these side effects as soreness is better as is the frequency of getting UTIs. BUT after feeling SO ill with the side effects I cannot possibly consider continuing with this drug. So its back to the drawing board. Agree with many women on here.....this drug MUST be getting into the blood stream!! Otherwise why these symptoms? Its OK my GP saying no it doesn't...I know my body well enough to know that my symptoms are due to this drug! Recent ECG and thorough blood tests have ruled out thyroid, vit b12 defiency etc so no other reason for me feeling so dire. I only hope it gets out of my bloodstream asap and I can get back to feeling normal again. I'd rather have a UTI than feel this way.