Clozapine (clozapine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Clozapine (clozapine)

Tired all time can't think straight, memory loss feel dizzy

Weight gain drooling and seizures

It's still the best med I have ever taken for this

Also “so called” schizophrenia

Severe, life-threatening effects when a court ordered residential treatment facility abruptly stopped because they “ran out”. Suffers severe fatigue, nighttime drooling, constipation, severe acid reflux, metabolic syndrome, weight gain, memory loss, foggy brain (brain damage!), heart problems, loss of interest in life. Sleeping a lot.

God help him. I do not know how to safely get him off. When the cour ordered residential treatment facility abruptly stopped his Clozapine- they put him in the hospital where they forcibly OVERDOSED him and left him in isolation to die!! By grace of God I saw him- almost dead. Demanded medical attention- finally landed in ICU in respiratory failure kidney injury with rhabdomyolysis (severe muscle damage), leukocytosis, dehydration, abnormal EKGs, Clozapine withdraws” (that was forced upon him), and more. Labs all completely out of whack and vital organ failure. They had to work on him 48 minutes to get him to breathe well and to keep him alive. They put him on a bi-pap machine to push out fluids and heavily sedated him with precedex and Ativan IV drips. He was near death. The psych floor was just letting him suffer for at least 14-16 hours- waiting for him to just die

Speech impairment. Could not think straight. Constipation. Inability to think clearly.

I stopped taking it and got well. All the time I was on it I was paranoid and hallucinating. I asked my psychiatrist were the original evidence for it's efficacy came from 4 years ago - I'm still waiting. To each there own and good luck. After a year of being weel I now get a few hallucinations but remain medicated.

salivating, sleepiness, stiffening of muscles

I take it in the evening and feel great in the morning. I've been taking it for years now and no sign of relapse. salivating is kind of a problem, though.

Very low BP, chronic constipation resulting in prolapsed bowel, obsessive compulsive disorder, incontinence, severe anxiety, phobias,loss of weight

My son's psychiatrists at last agreed the drug did nothing for him so took him off - weaned for a month. Then came the horrific backlash lasting 3 weeks off and on. Today he is the best I have seen him for twenty years. Even smiling. Long may it last.We know there may be more hiccups but will deal with them without drugs.

CLOZAPINE (CLOZAPINE): See also Warning section. This medication is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorders). Clozapine is a psychiatric medication (anti-psychotic type) that works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain. Clozapine decreases hallucinations and helps prevent suicide in people who are likely to try to harm themselves. It helps you to think more clearly and positively about yourself, feel less nervous, and take part in everyday life. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Weight loss. Dilated pupils. Tired all the time! - Sleep a lot. Probably sleep away half my life :( Helped with my random deep depressions that I would previously have, but seemed to cause a more prolonged mild depression. Don't think it helped with anxiety at all, in fact it may have caused me to have more social anxiety. Took me many years to realize this but I have great difficulty concentrating & loss of motivation ever since being on this drug. I used to be a lot more physically active, I used to always turn my homework in on time and be on time to things. Straight A student. Now I am the opposite, I sleep all the time, have no energy to work out, I procrastinate, struggle focusing on my reading for class.Also - when I first started taking this medication I noticed I had difficulty having an orgasm for the first few months, but this went away later on. It may be more difficult for me to have one, but I am now able to.

Anyone taking 90 milligarams? Took cymbalta 60 milligrams for a couple of years. Depression increase and was placed on 90 milligrams which last for a couple of years. I take ativan as needed for added anxiety which seems to help. Lateley I have noticed more severe depresseion, I dont really like to be areound people. I have insomnia but dont like to take the ativan for sleep every night because it is addictive. I have taken the drug this long because I dont feel drugged and can concentrate on this drug better than any drug that I have taken. In the past on this drug I felt fairly happy and motivated. Lately feel depressed and tired although I cant sleep at night. I have been on prozac zoloft paxil lexapro and none to compare to the cymbalta up to now. Now i feel so tired of it all and depressed that I rececntly had a breast biopsy that was benign( although the lump still has to be removed) and i kink=d of wish that it was cancer. becouse of my religion i would not kill myself. I

Intense burning in vaginal area

by being on depo provera is the worst thing in life. I would never take the injection again. It's so bad that I cry everyday the worst side affects ever.

Day one didn't seem to do much for the pain and felt a little nausea - dosage was one tablet in the morning of 7.5mg straight after food. Day two (same dosage) relieved a lot of the pain but stomach pains started within an hour. Felt the need to eat to try and relieve the pains. Despite the stomach pain I was so happy to have relief from the pain from being an extreme 10 to being down to a 6 or 7. Unfortunately by early evening the tightness in my chest started and it worried me and the stabbing pains in my stomach got a little tighter and more uncomfortable. These symptoms led me here and now I'm worried about taking any more due to the chest tightness. No use being out of pain and ending up with serious heart problems. Very worrying and not sure what the long term pain management options are instead. My pharmacist who filled the script said he didn't like this drug as it causes stomach ulcers and other nasties. Be wary of this drug!

The first few months went really well got everything on track..but this last two months every time i put the patch on i get severe stomache cramps,headaches and body aches, its makes me puke i break out into a sweat after vomiting and then begain to get the shakes, its makes me dizzy sometimes to the point were i might faint

initially felt cramps while swimming. Had to quit swimming.Loss of hair.Less sex

Dizziness, fatigue, generally feeling lethargic. Loss of sensation in finger tips and nausea. Sinus tachycardia hasn't improved.

slurred speech, dizziness, drowsiness