Cloxapen (cloxacillin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cloxapen (cloxacillin sodium)

Side Effects forcloxapen (cloxacillin sodium) - User Comments


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I was in the hospital with post op pneumonia, so Levaquin was given by IV drip. It was going to be added to another antibiotic I was taking. I had no problem getting the Rociphen drip, but then they started the Levaquin. Fine for the first 10 minutes, then my heart started to race. my chest was very tight and my face became very flushed. I called the nurse, she turned off the drip and within minutes my heart rate returned to normal. I've read that tachycardia can be a side effect of the drug, and I imagine that's what I was experiencing.

Mania tactile, visual halucinations

I can see no reason to have a child needlessly exposed to these side affects when other medications with less affect may be used. I further believe that the product should no longer be offered OTC or should be pulled all together.

Not pregnant so that's cool. Regular however lighter periods. So that's the good parts.Weight gain!! Boating. And I have noticed a fatigue issue even with 6-8 hours of sleep. And depression. Mood swings. Both high and low sex drives. Slight nausea when taken without food.

Instant burn followed by an extreme itch that doesn't subside quickly. Swollen and painful.

Severe grogginess and lethargy. The next day after I took my first dose I lay on the couch all day and when I got up I was dizzy. My doctor prescribed up to three pills a day but I only ever took one. Thank goodness because I would probably have been hospitalized if I took more.

4 hours of serious flu like symptoms that made it difficult to do much of anything - headache, dizziness, irritability, and a runny nose. This was followed by a night of very poor sleep and the continuation of some of these feelings. This is the second week I've taken this drug and the experience was exactly the same both times, consume the pill and feel the above within a half hour.

muscle spasms and spial injurys

I have been on it since February. The first few months, I had no appetite and did not crave anything sweet.. also had dry mouth. I was originally on 150 mg, then up'd to 300 mg, still with no side effects... I then started to feel better, so went back down to 150mg on my own.. (doc wasn't too happy). I then crashed and started to feel bad again, so went back up to 300mg. I have been back up on 300 mg for about 2 months now and feel good. My appetite is back, but i feel like i have not gained the 6 or 7 lbs back that i originally lost. I'm thinking it speeds up your metabolism or something, bc my eating is back to normal, but the weight hasn't come back.. Win, win, i guess... Last time i crashed, i wanted to be up'd to 450 but my doc would not do that.. I'm cruising on 300mg right now.. and feel good..

:-( DIZZY, NAUSEOUS, HEADACHE, CLAMMY HOT FLASHES. I feel over all like I am extremely high on pain killers?!Or a very bad hangover! FAST HEART RATE, I'm very tired and emotional. Sensitive to noises! I will NEVER take this again. Everytime I take it the symptoms gets worse