Clorazepate dipotassium (clorazepate dipotassium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Clorazepate dipotassium (clorazepate dipotassium)

Was prescribed this medication in late 1990's. My Psychiatrist increased the doseage every time I saw him. At present I take one dose daily of 4 15mg tablets. 60 mgs of generic Tranxene every day is pretty expensive. A pharmicist agreed to sell the 120 15mg tabs per month for $45. My general physician now prescribes the meds as I no longer see a psychiatrist, only a psychologist and general physician. The M.D. says if I quit taking the Chloraszepate I would have seizures. I am obviously quite physically addicted to this medication. I have no idea how I will get off of it. In the beginning it helped tremendously. I have been on Most ALL Benzodiazepines for anxiety. I have been in psychotherapy for 26 years. First I was treated for depression in 1980 when I graduated high school. Most people with depression have anxiety. Unfortuantely I have been on MANY anti-anxiety meds and cannot find a "safe" med that doesn't have addiction problems.

I would like to get OFF of this medication! I wish there was an alternative ...besides using alocohol which affects the same way.

CLORAZEPATE DIPOTASSIUM (CLORAZEPATE DIPOTASSIUM): Clorazepate is used to treat anxiety, acute alcohol withdrawal, and seizures. This medication belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines which act on the brain and nerves (central nervous system) to produce a calming effect. It works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural chemical in the body (GABA). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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