Clopidogrel bisulfate (clopidogrel bisulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Clopidogrel bisulfate (clopidogrel bisulfate)

Extreme fatigue, flu-like symptoms, feeling of suffocation.

CLOPIDOGREL BISULFATE (CLOPIDOGREL BISULFATE): Clopidogrel is used to prevent heart attacks and strokes in persons with heart disease (recent heart attack), recent stroke, or blood circulation disease (peripheral vascular disease). It is also used with aspirin to treat new/worsening chest pain (new heart attack, unstable angina) and to keep blood vessels open and prevent blood clots after certain procedures (such as cardiac stent). Clopidogrel works by blocking platelets from sticking together and prevents them from forming harmful clots. It is an antiplatelet drug. It helps keep blood flowing smoothly in your body. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I did experience the burning sensation but it was tolerable. The nurse told me it took more of the drug than usual to get me under and that I started to get sick on the table so they gave me another drug for that. Procedure was at 10am after getting home I went to sleep until 3pm waking up to tender swollen glands by my right ear. It is now 6:40 and I'm starting to experience tenderness by my left ear. It feels like what I imagine mumps would feel like. Is this a side effect?

Inability to consume many foods without nausea, after 20 days of use in a 28 day treatment, ongoing diarrhea. Otherwise, no effect.

I do not know if I should start it again or not....

I am not sure If the side effect is worth the cure. However, sinus drainage and allergies are improved.

Began taking the medication to help clear up suspected bacterial infection from bad food. No energy, lethargic and I am someone who works out 90 minutes a day 5 days a week - has been a struggle to go and work-out for 30 minutes. Worse part is my libido has been affected - bit of impotence and this was never an issue in my life, anxiety makes it worse now. If there is an alternative use it. Began taking probiotics to help restore my system and frankly this has been a nightmare! If anyone can relate to the libido issue please let me know!

Took once or twice a year for 5 or so years. Side effect was subtle and came after finishing med so I did not associate it. Thought I had breathing problems... would last a day or so. Last time, thought I was getting worse and saw the dr. He made the connection -- but thought my lungs were pretty good for age and ex-smoker; told me it was probably my "breathing center" -- i.e., it's all in your head! Did get rid of UTIs -- now I'm working on prevention.

Trouble concentrating, blurry vision

i started taking fluoxetine/prozac in january 2006.i felt ok but had a lack of emotions.i also found i could drink large amounts of alcohol compared to what i could before i took it.i then stopped taking it in september 2007.i just quit from 40mgs aday.i started to fell dizzy and have nightmares,then lack of energy .i went to my doctor and told him.he said it would be fine to just stop as it had a long half life in the body.i went for 12 weeks like this without taking was the worst 12 weeks of my entire life,my body felt like it was dying,i had severe pains in my back like a hot knife was being pushed into me permanently.i couldnt walk,i had thoughts of stabbing my mother and myself,my mind and body were twisted beyond belief.i then started taking it again and have cut down to 2 mgs.i have suffered everyday since then for nearly 5 years with all the effects i has made my life absoloute advice would be dont ever take any ssris,they are poison.the low serotonin fact doctors/psychiatrists tell you is a lie to get you to consume the drugs.there isnt any test/proof of low serotonin.nor is there proof that serotonin is the cause or plays a part in any mental illness.its all lies.go and have a look .its all there to read up on.the company eli lilly are a bunch of scumbags who have included george bush snr on their board.what a massive money making scam.psychiatrists and the pharma industry making a killing on youttube.avoid this shit like you

So far, I'm doing good. The Medicine makes me a bit sleepy, which is good because before with all the stress I had I couldn't sleep. Now, if things bother me it just feels like a blur, I look at it and am more like..... "uuuuhhh ok whatever" So, I'm liking it. But I have still had A panic attack, jus one which all the medicine was make it from one of those -AHHHH, CAN'T BREATH, DAMN, DAMN, DAMN,- moments to a -Leave me alone!- moment. At least I was able to respond to the poeple causing my attack and tell them to go the f*** away. Still trying it so after that incident my doc wants me to stay home for about 10 days to let it set in my system. We shall see what happens after that.

I had very bad acid reflux, I would feel bloated, nauseated, burp a lot and get frequent heart burn. My dad told me to try taking prilosec because it helped him out. I tried it for a few weeks and it helped. I didnt feel bloated anymore, I didnt burp as much and didnt feel as nauseated. Before on Prilosec, I woul dhave minor panic attacks which I believe came from the Acid Reflux because I was afraid something would happen in front of everyone. For some stupid reason, I stopped taking it. Well, now it came back. I am picking some up today and will be on it again. I hope it works just as good as last time.