Clonidine hcl and chlorthalidone (chlorthalidone; clonidine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Clonidine hcl and chlorthalidone (chlorthalidone; clonidine hydrochloride)

Extreme tiredness at first but once your body adjusts to the medication the sleepy factor disapears, moderate dizziness that continues to this day

We first paired Clonidine with Ritalin, but we took me off the Ritalin because I was becomming depressed with puberty. We then paired Clonidine with Welbuterine, which I am currently on - both pairings worked well.

Side Effects forclonidine hcl and chlorthalidone (chlorthalidone; clonidine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Biaxin has been the anti-biotic of choice for my Doctor. I usually experience mild diarrhea which is tolerable. Within 4 hours of taking the med, I developed rashes in 6 different locations on my face and neck and experienced an itchy scalp. I never had difficulty breathing or anything swollen. I discontinued after the 1 dose.

Brain zaps, severe mood swings, confusion and misperception of reality, time warp type of blackouts, emotionlessness, uncaring, moments of great sadness and pain, nausea, dry mouth, muscle cramping, suicidal thoughts, constantly conversing but no one was there, inappropriate and abnormal behavior both social and moral, irritated eyes with light sensativity, complete lack of focus.

I experience mild personality suppression the next day, but few other side effects.

This was my first night taking Lunesta. I have been up for 7 hours now with no visible side effects. I have not experienced the bad taste in my mouth others have noticed.

The worst dizziness I've ever felt. Like being drunk and I don't drink anymore.It makes you feel like the room is spinning. Light headed and nausea.

difficulty with words, spelling, tingling in feet, hands, generally feel stupid at times. When I went to 150 mg a day, became very irritable and emotional and anxious and had to go back down to 100 mg.

neuralgia, migraines, depression

our concern right now are the long term effects of this medication. We want to know how long is it safe to be on 6mp. I'd like to hear from someone else who's child has been on this medication and what they are being told.

I can't stop bleeding! I can't remember the last time I haven't bled.

While Desyrel (otherwise known as Trazodone) did help me fall asleep, its side effects are too much of a pay-up to bargain with. The drowsy, almost drunk feeling just after the pills set in was expected, but the extremely frightening series of nightmares I experienced on a nightly basis were not. My nearly non-existant dreamlife became so active and so disturbing upon taking this medication that I ended up requesting another medication from my psychiatrist. It became apparent that taking the medicine was for naught when I awoke in a cold sweat numerous times every night because of such scary dreams. My other complaint about Desyrel is the terrible hangover feeling I experienced every morning. It was difficult to awaken, and I was still quite sluggish, dizzy, and disoriented for at least an hour after rising.