Clindagel (clindamycin phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Clindagel (clindamycin phosphate)

Horrible gas pains, bloating, cramps, anxiety, insomnia, and intense abdominal pain and distention.

DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG unless there is NOTHING else that will work. I took it as an adjunct to Cipro for diverticulitis, and I have never had a more miserable 36 hours. Spent a sleepless night with abdominal pain, gas, distention, and horrible bloating, and had to go to the emergency room the next day for treatment antibiotic-caused colitis, courtesy of Clindamycin. I still feel fragile. This is a terrible drug,

to get rid of the tiny bumps on my

slight numbness every so often of my face...not as bad as it sounds

LOVE IT! In 26 years I have NEVER had clear skin. It took me a month after being given the rx to actually fill and take it because everything else they gave me made my acne worse. I don't like/trust my derm so i was lear ( have since stopped going). this lotion is the best thing I got out of going there so long!

Every once in a while I thought my face felt a tiny bit numb...but other then that NO SIDE EFFECTS :)

I love this medicine. I was leary at first and didn't want to waste the money on filling this RX since every other RX that the doc gave me made my acne 100x worse! I was sick of having nodules on my face! I was going to try Accutain, but I didnt like the NEVER ENDING list of HORRID side effects. Within two days I noticed a difference in my skin with Clindamycin. Everything from no pimples to the little annoying bumps going away. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS MEDICINE! :)

Little bumps started to come out all over my face. I dont know if this is only because i just started taking it like 2 weeks ago!

CLINDAGEL (CLINDAMYCIN PHOSPHATE): This medication is used to treat acne. It helps to decrease the number of acne lesions. Clindamycin is an antibiotic which works by stopping the growth of bacteria. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Aching, stiff and sore from head to toe, weakness,extreme fatigue,headaches, foul mood due to all of above. I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis and thought I was going downhill over the last couple months. Stayed on all meds trying to work through the misery. I couldn't take it any more; call fibro dr to change my meds. No relief, now reading this site and a couple others and I am having the same issues as so many others who have taken CRESTOR. Calling my PCP now to tell him "No more". Thanks for sharing-what a great site!

this medicine really works for the allergies, and the side effects are bareable plus is not like i have to take it for ever, as soon as the allergie season is over im done with it. The thing that is most apparent is the loss of appetite, and the headaches are not all that bad. i also dont take this pill everyday though. i take it as needed

Chills for 5-10 minutes. No other side effects whatsoever.

Down 40 pounds. I’m only 5’ tall. I needed the loss, but now seems I’ve plateaued. Still taking it. Haven’t gained. Helps me to maintain my loss.

Taking 20 mg for 4 years. Doc had me on 40 mg, then 30 mg; but could not stand up without a quick black out (I work on roofs of buildings all day - can't be getting wobbly legged up there if I want to live to go home at the end of the day).

Couldn't breathe,Heart palpitations,I thought I was dying and was okay with that.Every breath I took tasted like I was chewing on the tip of a Sharpie marker,I've been in a constant anxiety attack for the last few weeks.

Fatigue attacks! Tiredness descends and I HAVE to go to sleep, but then I'm ok again. Always extremely cold or extremely hot. TIAs when coumadin levels have dropped and temporarily lost eyesight. Bleeding from bowels. A general fogginess/forgetfulness. Also, goes without saying, very bad bruising.

After first dose, nausea set in and then an overall sick feeling, very very bad heartburn, anxiety, tightness in chest

Funny taste, blurred vision, headache, sloooow brain at times. Initial dosage no longer worked.

Not helping sugar levels. Stopped taking and levels actually better.