Clarithromycin (clarithromycin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Clarithromycin (clarithromycin)

EXTREME anxiety to the point it feels like youre going to die, extreme nausea and awful metallic taste in mouth

I suffer from anxiety so I know what panic attacks are and how to calm myself down but the anxiety that this medication causes is on another level, I was ready to ring 999 thinking I was dying. Felt like I was going to vomit and have diarrhoea at the same time and the taste is horrendous. Only taken 2 days worth and i am going to have to stop, never have I ever felt like this before! Im so thankful for these reviews because I thought I was actually dying or going insane. How can a drug like this be prescribed with such severe side effects!

Metal taste in my mouth fast heartbeat dizziness fainting and the worst things are bad nightmares panic attacks hallucination.

Bad medicine I will never take it again it destroyed my life I don't recommend it to any one

EXTREME ANXIETY! Racing heart, feeling doomed, shorness of breath, loss of appetite and trouble hearing.

This is the worst medication ive ever taken in my life, I will never take it again! I would have rather kept suffering with my throat infection if I knew it would make me feel like this. I was supposed to drink 2 pills a day for seven days and I was only able to take 2 pills for one day of the treatment. About 4 hours after the first dose my heart started racing out of no where and sent me into an awful panic attack. My racing heart over 130 beats per minute at rest lasted over 3 hours I had to drink anxiety medication to calm down (which i later found out was very unsafe and to never mix this medication with Escitalopram) I literally felt like i was going to go into cardiac arrest. I tried to give it the benefit of doubt and took 1 more pill cause i thought maybe something else caused me to feel that way, but sure enough a few hours after taking second dose it happened again. Im writing this in the urgent care waiting room I was due for another dose 2 hours ago but I will absolutely not take it again im here to ask for another antibiotic.

Bad stomach pains, Extreme gas (which smell how my bowels feel) constant metallic taste in mouth, feeling sick, diarrhoea, extreme anxiety unlike anything I've ever experienced before, racing heart rate, blood pressure through the roof, body losing all body head and convinced I was dying

Horrendous and I only took 1 and a half days, refused to take the rest and got doctor to Change them.

First 2days fine 3rd absolute severe stomach pain anxiety attacks feeling giddy and nauseous stopped taking them straight away 2days later still feel awful but stomach calming down my dr said it could take 1-2 weeks for side effects to leave system will never take again

Day 2 Horrible taste in mouth like I've been eating metal burning sensation in my upper gut gurgling noises from stomach. Kepted me up all night. Never will I take this medication again.

Im still having a severe reaction to this drug and had to stop my course after only 2 days. I have a rash over my body and inside my mouth. TERRIBLE nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations, breathlessness and insomnia! I also had severe anxiety and shakiness. Had to call emergency out of hours doctor and am going to the in the er in a few hours.

Not impressed would have rather stuck with the chest infection!

No sleep.choking ,blurred vision ,aching all over ,loss of appetite

While trying to cough up Catarrh I was choking and felt like I was having panic attacks .I had no sleep for 4 days soon as my head and back lied down I ended up choking ,horrendous bitter taste to taking the tabletWon’t be taking them ever again

I felt like fainting. Threw up excessively and had a full blown anxiety attack. I thought I was dying as I could only see everything in blur. My heart raced very fast and I was restless, pacing, thinking if I sat in one place I would die. I ended up being hospitalised. Only got better after treatment at the hospital and discontinuing the drugs. I honestly never want to feel this way again.

This drug is evil. Stay away from it. Should never be prescribed to patients.

After the first tablet I had some diarrhoea but the main symptom was when I woke up my head felt heavy like a hangover head, a little dizzy and nauseas and shattered.

Diarrhea, no appetite, headache, blurred vision, nightmares, anxiety and worse of all severe dizziness, heart rate very fast and high blood pressure (never experienced before)! I thought i was gonna die. And ruined my son's bday since i was feeling like this and not even walking! Nope.

I was supposed to take it for 14 days.. i stopped after 4 doses. It was clear my body can't tolerate it! After a day of not taking it i felt better, like a new person! Too bad didn't work for my issue, but i honestly don't want to get better with one thing and worse with many other! Reading these reviews made me feel better and not alone, thank you!

I thought I felt bad with the enteritis but this tablet is absolutely vile. My stomach gurgles and churns, it aches like I've been doing hundreds of sit ups or been kicked. The gas is off the Richter scale and considering it's for enteritis the diarrhea hasn't stopped. I feel weak, wobbly, spaced out, headache and the vile taste in my mouth wakes me up in the night. I feel slightly nauseous too and absolutely tired out. I told the GP I can't take erythromycin as I had a bad reaction to that years ago and this must be in the same family of drugs. I'm seriously thinking of stopping this drug half way through the course as I've never felt so ill in all my life and feel like I will never get better. This drug is toxic and should be taken off the market. Avoid if you can, any other tablets I have ever had including the notorious metradinazole are a walk in the park compared to this stuff!

Avoid this terrible drug at all costs!

Feeling rotten nauseous stomach pain headache plus a temperature.No appetite

I will tough out the bare minimum of the course.Feeling guilty as there is a shortage.Never had a problem with antibiotics before.But flurocycline did not work.

Severe anxiety and panic attacks. Intense feelings of existential dread and doom. Loss of appetite. Slowed down heart rate, loud heart beats. Confusion and dizziness. Heavy head, feelings of fainting. Insomnia, zero sleep awake for 24 hours and more.

The side effects of this medication give you a sickness that is beyond any physical ailments you have. Never taking again. I'm stopping it today, and I'm so scared for these symptoms to continue for long. I don't know how long it will take for my body to cleanse. If anyone stopped after a similar time and had similar experience please contact me. I'm reading about some people having these symptoms for months after stopping and this will ruin my life if thats the case. I'm terrified and have had the most terrifying and mentally debilitating episodes in the past few days.

Terrible taste in mouth like bile. Had massive panic attack on day 6 and convinced myself I was going to die because I felt like food was getting stuck in my throat. Felt like I had lost my mind. Worst experience of my life.

Side effects should be mentioned before being prescribed. This should not be given to anyone, dreadful stuff.

EXTREME ANXIETY. No appetite, wierd disjointed psycho thoughts. Depression, sleep for 5 hours, wake up in bowel pain and racing evil thoughts. Rabbit holed a few times and had to get up and pace around. Lots of bad emotional issues.

To whoever reads this, you are not alone. I and others are with you. It will get better, you will feel normal again. Take pro biotics as much as possible, try to rest. Know that you are not alone. I feel your pain and suffering and as i cry writing this, that i send you as much positive energy and thoughts that i can. And wish you the very best in recovering.

Hi started taking this drug first 2 days fine then side effects kicked in severe acid reflux chest bone pain called 111 and was told this antibiotic can cause this prescribed omoprezol which has eased acid reflux, but today day 5 I took 9th dose and within 30 mins I had excruciating stomach pain which I have never experienced before I thought was going to die and every morning I wake up so fatigued and the metallic taste is dreadful has anyone else suffered the excruciating stomach pain

Feeling incredibly sick, awful taste in mouth, spit building up in my mouth, headache, absolutely exhausted, no energy.. I feel awful

I am supposed to be on a 5 day course but I've only taken one & that's how it's gonna stay! I feel absolutely rotten. I agree with every single review on here. I can't believe they even hand these out! Stay away.I'd rather live with this horrible flaky, bright red Rudolph nose then have them again!

Shallow breathing, very heightened anxiety. Upper abdominal pain.

Dry cough, anxiety, tiredness, insomnia

This drug is brutal. Take at your peril!

CLARITHROMYCIN (CLARITHROMYCIN): Clarithromycin is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. This medication can also be used in combination with anti-ulcer medications to treat certain types of stomach ulcers. It may also be used to prevent certain bacterial infections. Clarithromycin is known as a macrolide antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Depression, low sex drive, cleared some acne, weight gain

Constantly hot. Sweating and feeling sick. Insomnia, headaches, hoarseness

If you can avoid taking this please do. Yes it works but the side effects during and after are awful. I will not take this again

I had gotten a rash from this medicine, I was itching constantly!

this stuff was poison for me, it didnt work at all what so ever and it took longer to get off of then to get on to. its a horrible drug, at least for me.

After about 2 months of taking this drug I felt better then I had in years. I am taking it along with various other drugs but the difference since starting this drug has been amazing. I can sleep well and have only the slightest amount of stiffness in my feet some mornings. I feel like a normal person again and could not imagine what my life would be like without it.