Clarinex (desloratadine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Clarinex (desloratadine)

very bad head cold with post nasal

My pharmacist had reccomended that I try Desloratadine(Rexall) brand to help my 13 yr old with her post nasal drip causing her throat to hurt alot due to bad head cold. It was the first time I have given her such a drug. She took 1 pill5mg within a few hrs she would get really dizzy when she stood up and made mention that her heart rate was fast. I will never give her this drug again I am prayin it doesnt get worse because this drug lasts 24 hrs.

My son has been on some type of allergy medicine since 6 months of age. He was prescribed the Clarinex due to claritin no longer worked. The medicine itself does work. Just a little background, my son has always been very high energy. I just assumed it was his personality and it was normal for little boys. However, this year when he started school it was brought to my attention that he was over the top. I removed red dye from his diet and cut back on the sugar he was eating. That helped some but he still had issues with hyperactivity and impulsiveness. I was starting to think ADHD and ADD. Then, just for the heck of it, I started researching side affects of Clarinex and surprisingly found links to hyperactivity in children. Especially boys. As an experiment, I removed him from all allergy medicines. (including his nasal spray Flonase which also causes hyperactivity) Double whammy. After about a week, there was improvement. After 2 weeks, I was having people comment on his behavior change. Now, after a month off he is no longer having issues at school. I am giving this medicine a 3 because it does work. However, due to the effects for my son, he can't take it and do well in school at the same time. I just wanted to put this out there so other parents can observe their children if they are on this and other medicines like it.

fasciculations (quivering) of posterior neck muscles, andirregular heartbeat

Clarinex is fantastic for hay fever, asthma, and hives; better than any antihistamine I have ever taken. I never had to take it2 days in a row because the effects last at least 48hrs. In seasons when I had to take it fairly often,I began to wake up because of quivering posterior neck muscles and heart palpitations. I finally went to my GP, who did an EKG which was normal; but of course the palpitations weren't happening at the time.Recently I had not taken it in 6 weeks, then had to take it oncebecause of a food allergy. That night, for the first time in 6 wks the muscle fasciculations and heart palpitations happened again. I was amazed to read here that someone had had exactly the same thing happen! I am on a beta-blocker, amlodipine, anda diurectic for high blood pressure. I will certainly take Clarinex again if I need it badly, but I'm a little reluctant now. I will update this entry in the future if my conclusions here seem wrong.

Worked for my son's seasonal allergies - Claritin did nothing, Zyrtec caused too many personality changes.

Slight increase in appetite and a little tightness in my rear neck muscles, but this didn't last long. This antihistamine worked better for me (with less side effects) than Zyrtec (which caused asthma) or Allegra.

Clarinex is my favorite antihistamine and is non-drowsy. I prefer it over any other, although it is slower acting than something like Benadryl. I do recommend it, however.

heart palpitations, tachycardia

Have taken clarinex for several years and all of a sudden a few months ago noticed having rapid heart rate after taking it. Don't know if something changed in the make up or what? Was even going to check with my pharmacists to see if I had the correct pill. Not sure why this just started.

CLARINEX (DESLORATADINE): Desloratadine is an antihistamine used to relieve allergy symptoms such as watery eyes, runny nose, itching eyes/nose, sneezing, hives, and itching. It works by blocking a certain natural substance (histamine) that your body makes during an allergic reaction. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have been on Synthroid for Hashimoto's now for almost 3 years before that desiccated thyroid for 1.5 years. With Armour they just kept increasing it and I felt some change but not significant. Finally a doctor told me there would be no difference between it and synthroid, so I went on synthroid. Again, my dosage just kept going up without a significant improvement. It turned out just recently ( and I figured this out ON MY OWN and had to basically tell my doc what I wanted her to do), just the T4 couldn't be converted by my body into sufficient T3 (my TSH was indicative of this, as it was in overdrive), so I needed cytomel (i.e.T3) added to the synthroid and now I finally feel good. I am now on 112 mcg synthroid and 5 mcg cytomel twice a day. HAving said all this, my current endo has admitted that basically Armour is a natural combination of T3 and T4 (i.e. synthroid plus cytomel) and I think once I am at the right level I will go on it again, just to see if it works as well.I am also looking into alternative ways of healing myself as I do not want to spend a lifetime on synthroid and I am becoming more and more suspicious about the absolute need to take synthroid. Hypothyroidism is a veritable epidemic and I believe it has hugely to do with our diets, supplements and environmental factors. I am just wondering why doctors are so quick to put people on synthroid. I read " How i reversed my Hashimoto's thyroiditis hypothyroidism" by Robert Dirgo.

I've had a horrible headache since the second day taking this med. Has worked great for the infection but this is a killer headache.

Very painful burning lower legs, slight swelling