Cisplatin (cisplatin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cisplatin (cisplatin)

CISPLATIN (CISPLATIN): Cisplatin is used to treat various types of cancer. It is a chemotherapy drug that contains platinum. It is used alone or in combination with other medications to slow or stop cancer cell growth. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I had pretty mild side effects at first, nothing severe enough to make me want to quit taking it and nothing out of the ordinary. I used to panic while driving, worried about what other drivers thought of me, I couldn't function at work or with my coworkers, I didn't want to get out of bed in the morning. I'm back to feeling totally normal and it's wonderful. Totally worth any of the minor side effects I feel now. My appetite is back and the sexual side effects and fatigue are gone.

This medicine gave me a panic attack but an intense burning feeling in my veins. I thought I was having an anxiety disorder because it came from nowhere. This also made my tongue a little swollen. Doc told me to stop taking it. My BP is normal since stopping it. Not even going to take amlodipine as a replacement cause there's side effects to that one too. These drugs are evil!

i have been put under at least 30 times using this method with versed and benadryl. i never remember a thing and wake up in the recovery room very drowsy and sleep all night and half the next day.

I would definetly not take this. now I am struggling to get pregnant and there might be a chance that I am infertile

Colitis following IV Clindamycin

Citalprolam/Celexa did help me feel happier. My OCD calmed down quite a bit. I still had mild anxiety but that's a lot better than the severe anxiety I had before I started Celexa. I don't know if the drug had anything to do with it, but I used to dress like a frump but when I was on the drug I was a fashionista and got compliments on my clothing and hair frequently. I guess when you're feeling happier, you have motivation to do more things. I weaned myself off of this drug because I thought I didn't need it anymore and now I am back to my depressed/anxious self and dress like a frump again and I just don't care. I'm debating whether to get back on this drug because I also want to get pregnant but I fear it will harm the baby's development. If I were not wanting pregnancy right now I would get back on this drug in a heartbeat.

This drug cures psychosis. The documented negetive effects are all true. If one can accept the auditory hallucinations I would respectfully suggest trying to come off the medication if you can't stand the side effects. They are devestating. To speed up the process of restoration of your dopamine and seratonin receptors I suggest the use of marijuana if the you get to the point where you can't feel anything physical or emotion at all. Marijuana depletes the amount of activity of antipsychotic in the brain. It will also make at AH worse once then half life has run its course which is up to 18 months at the most documented. Do not stay on this drug long term it will ruin your life. It will be like you got a a lobotomy and you arnt even a person anymore. Straight up. Do your research to reviews of this drug before you get on the shot. Take as small a dose as possible to see how you react I took the biggest shot and I had sleep apnea and night terrors so severe it was the worst time of my life for a month or so. Having said that this drug pulled me out of psychosis and restored my mind to a rational state. Only full blown incurable scizophrenics should be treated with this med and scizoaffectives I suggest to get off of it once psychosis is cured

Fatique, Memory loss, lack of concentration, and headaches. It's like I have a fog over my brain sometimes... the type you encounter with lack of sleep. It's hard to wrap my brain around thoughts and projects, like I did before I started taking it... by the way this is the first time i have seen this website. My doctor keeps telling me that memory loss isn't one of the symptoms. But these symptoms are undeniable!!!

drowsiness, confusion, unsteadiness, losing words, so slowed down mentally I feel stupid and can't function

Was taking 2 hrs to get my 10 yr old to sleep at night due to a myriad of anxieties. Didn't matter what strategies we tried (and we tried many), the anxiety was very bad. She was also expressing suicidal thoughts particularly when having those awful "meltdowns". Since she's been on Risperdal, she falls asleep within 10 minutes of going to bed. Risperdal hasn't fixed everything but it's definitely improved her (and our)quality of life. Hopefully she will be able to come off it eventually - I wasn't keen to commence this type of medication on a child but things were bad & rapidly deteriorating. As for the weight gain, she now goes swimming 3 times a week & has recently started yoga. The weight has stabilised & she has even started to lose some of the excess weight. All is good for the moment.