Chlorthalidone (chlorthalidone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Chlorthalidone (chlorthalidone)

I'm no longer taking this medication.

From the onset, palpitations, but I didn't know it was the drug. Insomnia, shortness of breath, listlessness. The longer I was on it, I noticed I was getting steadily more depressed.

I confirmed it was the med causing a lot of my palpitations as there was a time period where I kept forgetting to take my meds & I noticed NO palps. Went back to taking them, the palps came back. Funny thing is, by BP is lower without it so apparently my other BP med is working fine solo.

Have had severe muscle pain and weakness with core and upper leg muscle. Phys. therapist kept saying drink water which brought up this drug. Had to push my doc repeatedly to replace it with lisinopril. Since stopping my muscles feel much more functional with much less pain.Now i just have to deal with the water weight gain.

For inflammation and to lower bp

Lump in neck, vaginal bleeding, lung inflammation, thyroid problems, joint pain, increase in fibroids.

Rash, horrible wheezing, didn't lower bp, extreme fatigue and can hardly urinate even after drinking coffee all day.

My anxiety got worse, it went from 2.5 to like3.75 (1-10, 10 being worst). (That extra anxiety caused me more stress and was unable to sit down and enjoy anything not even read a book and it caused me more sleeping issues(due to added anxiety) It felt like I had to keep moving and couldn't sit still. It also worsened my tinnitus, I believe because of the increased anxiety. Not taking any more. I'd rather live with higher blood pressure. Will try to find something that works without the added anxiety. My doctor didn't want to be bothered in finding something better, I changed doctors. I also tried Atenolol and that was worst on anxiety and insomnia! JL

Dry mouth. Hoarse, cramps, numbness in hands, red eye, headache, fatigue, depression, loss of balance, rssh, itching,

Severe Diarrhea!! Headaches, lightheaded, lowered my potassium, level is now low.Have to now take potassium supplement. Increased my anxiety. DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS MEDICATION!!

Very disappointed in our Health care system

dizzyness, confusion, heart palpitations, anxiety, dry mouth. stuffy nose.

What is a good bp med to take with the least side effects for a 33 year old female?

Blood pressure with carvedlol and hy

Caused vision problems and low blood sugar. Also burning in stomach

Vertigo Heart palpitations Weak legs Upset stomach

Became extremely tense, headaches, balance issues, and feelings of not being in the moment. Plus, BP did not budge. Will stop taking this drug and hope for the best.

Severe impotence and difficult ejaculation, Dizziness and dehydration

I like it. It reduced my blood pressure. After reading lon term effects here, I might reduce my dosage.

Chest pains, numbness and pin pricks in my left arm,leg and face.. basically the side effects for a stroke or heart attackWas hospitalized for low potassium for two days. I've recently got the okay to come off this medication from my doctor and. I've read there is laying side effects when you stop taking. This drug should honestly be removed from the market, the side effects DO NOT outweigh the benefits.

Keeps pressure down but not a good med. otherwise. Shortness of breath, papitations, facial aging, dry, brittle grey hair, dry skin, lips, eyes, and mouth. under eye bags and puffiness that won't go away, hyperpigmentation, tinnitus, painful feet, hand and leg cramps, aches, headache, fatigue, anxiety,.constipation.

When I started taking this med. I had a different pharmaceutical company and basically no side effects, worked great. After it ran out, the company was changed and I don't know what's in, or not in this poison but it's not the same and it scares me. Can't get the other anymore, and was told this is what they have. At my age, I was youthful looking, and I've aged overnight, discolored skin, and I look like a raccoon around the eyes. Been on it too long already, and Dr. doesn't want to change.because it works. Time to change med. or get a new doctor. Not worth the extra headache, especially when I already have one from this med.. .

I feel generally awful. Headaches started soon after I started taking it, along with nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue.Headaches come and go all day. It is debilitating

Drug is terrible. Side effects aren't worth lowering the blood pressure

Pink eyes, blurred vision, lump in throat, stuffed nose, dizziness, extreme dry mouth and low potassium. Never lowered my BP by much

Shortness of breath the last 4 months on it

Extreme fatigue, palpitations, headaches nausea, lightheadedness, bad reflux burning in throat, chest, and stomach. Lump in throat. Mouth feels like it is drawing.

CHLORTHALIDONE (CHLORTHALIDONE): Chlorthalidone is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. It is also used to reduce extra salt and water in the body caused by conditions such as heart failure, liver disease, and kidney disease. Decreasing extra salt and water in the body helps to decrease swelling (edema) and breathing problems caused by fluid in the lungs. Chlorthalidone is a "water pill" (diuretic). It increases the amount of urine you make, especially when you first start the medication. It also helps to relax the blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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sore throat, runny nose, hot and cold flashes, dizzy, racing heart,burning skin, anxiety, stomach pain. i am on day 5 of 7 and the anxiety, stomach pain and burning skin didnt kick in until just now. i am on my cell phone and found this website while looking up metronidazole cuz i feel horrible.

Little bit of jaw clenching, slight restlessness. I am on a small amount for voices and paranoia and it works. All the atypicals caused me severe weight gain and I am staying thr same weight on this. If I had started on this one first of all I wouldn't be the fat cow I now am.

you guys are scaring me!!! i took 2, 500 mg of cipro. the first one wasn,t bad, felt like it was working. after the second one ,all the pain started, i stopped taking them, and decided to read the paper it comes with. i had all the symptoms. i only took 2 pills, but i still have a stiff neck. i,m not sure if it was a good idea, but i flushed myself with sea salt. i feel alot better, but still feel symptoms. i searched the site to see how long cipro stays in your system, because it say not to mix with magnesium. guess it don,t matter now does it.

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After 4 days I woke up to a burnt tongue and dry mouth. It's been 2 months since use and it won't go away!!!! I'm so mad I took this. I'm afraid my dry mouth and burnt tongue won't go back to normal. Scared.

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