Chlorpromazine hcl (chlorpromazine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Chlorpromazine hcl (chlorpromazine hydrochloride)

My son is 3 and was having extreme behavioral issues, nightmares, peeing his pants when he got mad, even getting kicked out of his preschool program. I had him evaluated by numbers of therapists, behavioral specialists, mobile therapists, and occupational therapists. He was seeing a therapist at daycare once a week along with a behavior specialist, and nothing seemed to be working, he was getting worse. I finally took him to a psychiatrist who reccomended this medication for bi-polar/ADHD. Within 2 days, his behavior had changed drastically. It is now only 2 weeks later, he is back in his preschool program, doing fantastic, getting smiley faces every day and has gone a whole week without one time out!!! He no longer pees his pants, he is easier to talk to and reason with, he listens, pays attention, and I am even getting compliments on his good behavior from the daycare. This medicine hasn't made him like a zombie, or made him lose his appetite. He is a much happier little boy,

My life has changed drastically since putting him on this medicine. I felt bad putting him on it at first because he's only 3, but I couldn't be happier with the results.

CHLORPROMAZINE HCL (CHLORPROMAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (such as schizophrenia, psychotic disorders, manic phase of bipolar disorder, severe behavioral problems in children). Chlorpromazine helps you to think more clearly, feel less nervous, and take part in everyday life. It can reduce aggressive behavior and the desire to hurt yourself/others. It may also help to decrease hallucinations (hearing/seeing things that are not there). Chlorpromazine is a psychiatric medication that belongs to the class of drugs called phenothiazine antipsychotics. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain. Chlorpromazine is also used to control nausea/vomiting, relieve prolonged hiccups, relieve restlessness/anxiety before surgery, and help treat tetanus. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Hypertension and borderline MVP

At first was very difficult - not sure what was my illness and what was side effects. Low blood pressure and low blood sugar, shakiness, nausea, diarrhea. Lots has gotten better and plaquenil has really helped with my chest pain and joint pain - they still get red/swollen but don't hurt like before. Did make my blood work a bit wonky at the start. Make sure to get your eyes checked - my ophthalmologist said the people who have to worry are short people. I have had periods of easy bruising, hair loss and mouth ulcers but it's likely just my illness. I have had troubles sleeping and with nightmares.

this is my first birth control method to use and I'm on it because I'm very forgetfull when I'd comes down to pills and I really don't have anyother options because even though I'm young I want to be able to pick when I want to start a family. I was terrified to think I would have something inside me so ortho evra was my best choice. For the first month everything was great. I was very happy but then the second month came and that's when my breast became very sore and I started to lose my appetite for sex completly. I love my boyfriend because he's been here for me even though I'm all moody by the second month I had to throw up everytime I ate and I even had to miss work because of it. I thought at this point i was pregnant i went to see a doctor and he gave me meds for my upsert stomach bit never in my life have I felt this way so I know its the patch. Another thing that aggravates me is that when I put the patch on whatever I'm wearing sticks on to it so the edges look all dirty. Its

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The first two days went ok but third day was horrid couldn't watch TV without feeling like I was going to possibly have a seizer nausea was unbareable even after eating it relaxed my muscles but I had the spins and had the feeling like I was on a boat

Cleared allergies but not worth the serious side effects.Cannot wait to get back to normal.

As others have said, the cure is not worth the cost of the side effects. I don't plan on taking this drug, again. Will just take calcium/vitamin D pills and exercise.

It did help with the pain when I first started taking it. However the side effects I have experienced are worse than the Fibromyalgia pain. I gained 30lbs. while taking this med. It caused me to suffer with unbearable anxiety, nervousness, upper back pain, fever, chills, headaches, persistent sore throat, nausea, and sometimes vomitting. Trying to get off this med. is so difficult because my side effect symptoms get worse when I skip a dose or two.

Tongue, mouth numb for 18 hours. I only took 1 dose at night around 10:30pm. 20 min after taking it I was a complete zombie, I had to be helped to bed by husband. Stumbling, tripping and talking nonsense. Woke up 5 times during night. Third time husband heard me banging into walls trying to get to bathroom. Bad bruising on shoulder from this. Finally stayed up after 5th time waking.