Chlordiazepoxide hcl (chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Chlordiazepoxide hcl (chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride)

any high stress situations; long driving road trips (spouse driving!), flying; dealing w/stressful relative: 1- 5 mg tablet takes edge off immediately. sometimes I even have a glass of wine later in the day. Do not feel tired at all. Call it my "chill pill" & feel better just knowing I have it available. Maybe use 10 tabs total in a year.

CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE HCL (CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE HYDROCHLORIDE): Chlordiazepoxide is used to treat anxiety and acute alcohol withdrawal. It is also used to relieve fear and anxiety before surgery. This medication belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines which act on the brain and nerves (central nervous system) to produce a calming effect. It works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural chemical in the body (GABA). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Weight gain like woah - 75 lbs, and had to stop the drug to stop the gain. Stupidness. Loss of hair. Laziness and tiredness.

The symptoms came on slowly and it wasn't until my mouth started burning and my teeth got loose that I began to wonder what was wrong. I'd had a hip replacement and attributed the pain in my legs to that. But my arms and neck also hurt and my hair was falling out. I also had indigestion and fatigue. i would come home from work and lie down and my husband would have to wake me for supper. Then I would be in bed asleep by eight. Also, my thiking was (is) fuzzy, and my eyesight has deteriorated. I'm 69 and my 83-year-old sister-in-law can run rings around me. I hope this goes away. I was taking Ibandronate Sodium, generic for Boniva. Massage therapy has helped somewhat, but there is still pain in the arms, legs and back.

Extremely effective. I wouldn't have any quality of life without it. I have severe progressive arthritis in my back, neck, hips. Degenerative disc disease, bulging disc, cervical& lumbar spurs. Peripheral neuropathy. I have been on same dose for 1 years without anything other than constipation which is manageable with miralax & plenty of water. I highly recommend taking it as prescribed.

Never again! I tried Lamectil first but broke out in a rash after 2 weeks of very low doses...but I was actually feeling better when the rash started. Dr put me on Trileptal. I didn't feel nearly as good as I did with the Lamectil.

definite euphoria! sleepiness about a half an hour after taking, and helped me sleep too. it did help take the pain away a good amount.

for 3 weeks hot flashes, anxiety, sleeplessness, lack of sex drive, lack of energy.

Took for 3 days. In the following morning I started to feel very warm, and then I passed out for a short time. AfterI slept for a few hours and ate breakfast seemedFelt okay. Fortunately I didn't get hurt.

Trileptal is a pretty good drug for me. I have taken it for a year and a half with few problems. The side effects I have didn''t start until I stopped taking AAP's. Now they are coming on fast and furious. I don't understand it, but it is happening. I fear I may have to move to a different AC, not something I want to do as there are only worse alternatives.

have had a lot of muscular and bone pain (legs, back and hips), which has kept me from getting a solid nights' sleep, and in turn this often causes overwhelming afternoon fatigue. I have also been experiencing paplpatations.

The ER dr told me not to take this and just do the cardioversion for afib. I didnt listen and took 1 dose of 300 mg of this bad drug. It did not stop my afib. It did however cause instant breathing issues that lasted about 4 months. It also completely ruined my gut and caused stomach pain, hemorhhoids, mitochondrial damage, gerd, throat ulcer and most likely worsened a possible hiatal hernia. I should have listened to the ER Doctor on this. Never again. It didnt work for my afib.