Chloraprep (chlorhexidine gluconate; isopropyl alcohol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Chloraprep (chlorhexidine gluconate; isopropyl alcohol)

Swelling, redness, itching, hives and welts at site used.

Would NOT recommend it. Now I ask for betadine scrub instead.

Side Effects forchloraprep (chlorhexidine gluconate; isopropyl alcohol) - User Comments


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mood swings during first two weeks, headaches, breast tenderness, nausea and vomiting during first week, heartburn, severe cramping during period.

Anger, hyperactivity, weight lose, insomnia, extrem head aches, panic attacks, after 5 months I weaned myself off! Not good for me!

Neck pain, tired a lot, tingling sensation in left ear, vision and short-term memory loss

Horrible dry cough. It started only and night, but as I continued use of the drug the cough became more frequent. I also experienced hand cramping that was severe and painful on one occasion.

I took it for a while without many side effects except nausea and pain in my left rib which seemed to go away at first and then I started to get really dizzy the more I took it and could not function form day to day also my head felt like it was swollen and ready to pop. I had the worst headache that did not even seem to go away with meds and if it did it came back after they wore off. I also lost mass weight on this drug as I could hardly eat. I went back to Advair as I feel it works best for me for now. I will say Symbicort works for breathing but the side effects are not worth it at all.

Severe mood swings and agitation. Headaches and fogginess. Runny nose

this medication seems to destory all emotions. There's no right/wrong. no good/bad. Nothing to cry about.

This is the first time I had allergies, and (looking back) was quite naive about treating it. I just went to a drugstore, picked up some zyrtec, and started taking one a day. Shortly after I became severely depressed. I have never experienced depression before, so I didn't even know what was happening to me. I thought I was stressed out or eating bad or tired or something, but then my wife said I may be having depression from the zyrtec. I stopped taking it, and immediately (the next day) began feeling a little better. I am improving day by day, instead of crashing day by day. This drug came close to really messing up my life.

dizziness (major dizziness if I drink any alcohol, even 1/2 glass of wine). A harder time recalling words and spelling words though they eventually come to me. It's as if my brain is working, but in much slower motion. A perceived weakness in legs and hands (harder to type), but I think I exaggerate the symptoms due to my hypochrondia (fear of ALS, MS, what have you). The good news is that this drug seems to be helping my seizures. I used to have a minimum of two simple partial seizures a month. Since starting Lamictal I've only had one in 88 days (almost 2 months).

It's making me feel really weird is this normal?