Childrens zyrtec allergy (cetirizine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Childrens zyrtec allergy (cetirizine hydrochloride)

Our 7 year old daughter took it for allergy symptoms for 6 weeks and her behavior really changed. She became combative, and had a cold look in her eyes. Something was happening and it was scaring us. AND THEN SHE HAD VIOLENT INVOLUNTARY NECK AND HEAD JERKING! At first we thought it was a habit she picked up from other kids at school, looked like an exaggerated movement you would make when surprised....head thrown back, shoulders crunched up, but one day it got to be every few minutes....we found this website,and immediately stopped using Zyrtec. The active ingredient has all these side effects that ARE NOT LISTED on the bottle OR the the Zyrtec website!!!It took 5 weeks for the twitches to finally completely go away. And her personality came back almost immediately. And now we find out the the FDA has recalled all the products made by MacNeil, incl Zyrtec, Children's Tylenol, etc....We are disgusted by this whole situation, not realizing we were poisoning our daughter!

Side Effects forchildrens zyrtec allergy (cetirizine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Yeast infection, kidney and/or irinary tract infection.

Pins and needles, severe muscle pain, vomiting, chills, numbness, burning, felt like getting an electrical shock, unable to open arms

I went to a shrink for the first time in my life a week ago. I have been in a severe depression since my marriage went into the toilet. I've taken every anti-depressant. The last one being Effexor. It worked but side effects were not good. Anyway, I was completely shocked when psychiatrist said I have been misdiagnosed, i am actually bipolar-in his opinion. I thought HE was the crazy one. But decided to give Lamictal a try. I cannot believe what a difference it has made. I take it alone, without effexor, and have not felt this good in i don't know how long. I forgot what "normal" felt like. I know it's very early in my treatment and side effects can still happen (i am still on starter pack) but I love it so far!

I was never clinically diagnosed with depression or anything. I was going through a divorce and asked my doctor for something. I can't believe how readily they just hand you whatever is in the cabinet... Anyway, my life is on track, I have nothing to be depressed or sad about. I also have no health insurance at the moment, and it's pretty expensive, so I decided to quit taking it... COLD TURKEY. I knew there would be side effects, and I was ready for them. And boy did they arrive with a vengence!!! I've been off for a little over a week, and it's getting a little better. The first 3 days or so, I thought I was in the twilight zone. Dizziness, ringing of the ears, irritable, anxious, horrible nightmares, feelings of electrical surges in my body. My God, I wasn't in this bad of shape before I started taking the drug!!! Well, like I said, it's getting a little better everyday. But I feel I can say that this drug is VERY ADDICTIVE. Some people probably do need to be on it forever, but many do not. Everyone needs to know the side effects of coming off of this drug when it is given to them!! I would've asked for something else!! I wish I could've afforded to come off gradually, but oh well, what's done is done.

I HATE THIS DRUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since I've been on it, my depression has been WAY worse than it ever was before I started taking it. I've experienced serious weight gain (40 lbs in 6 months!),I need 10 - 12 hours of sleep a day, I can't stand to be around people because I feel so detatched from everyone, I am totally apathetic about things in my life that should be (& used to be) important to me.... all I really want to do is stay in bed and hide all day. With all these crappy side effects, I figure I'd be better off just not taking the drug any more, so I keep trying to wean myself off of it and now I know what hell is really all about. Each time I end up feeling completely psychotic. Weird electical zaps up and down my arms, legs and face, EXTREME agitation, suicidal and homicidal thoughts, nightmares, night sweats, muscle twitches, vision problems (including tunnel vision, strange random flashes of light, etc.) headaches, dizziness, emotional outbursts and instability and a VERY STRONG feeling of being completely out of control. I was seriously afraid that I was going to hurt myself or someone else. I would NEVER NEVER NEVER not in a million years EVER reccomend this drug to anyone, not even my worst enemy. Taking this drug was absolutly the worst decision of my life. I am now a Paxil junkie. I can only hope that I can get off this stuff one day and lead something that resembles a normal life.

Breast lumps and PAIN, breakthrough bleeding two weeks before my period. Quick to anger/annoyed

night sweats, headache, severe agitation, severe anxiety.

This was a nightmare. I became extremely emotional, non-stop crying, depression, anxiety. Completely killed my sex drive and ability to become sexually aroused. I withdrew emotionally from my partner and we nearly broke up. I can't emphasize enough how utterly disgusting and hopeless I felt on this, I was quite suicidal at some points. When my first period on this arrived, it never stopped until I got the rod out - I bled for over a month.

muscle aches, headache, flush feeling, nausea, anxiety

Absolutely HORRENDOUS. The manufacturers snd prescribing doctors should be in JAIL. I am SO sick one week after taking this dreadful pill - been sick from one hour after taking it. Sore joints, muscles, ligaments, tummy, head, nausea, not hungry, faint.