Cetrotide (cetrorelix) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cetrotide (cetrorelix)

Ovulated while on this drug, sizeable corpus luteum cyst, shoulder pain, fatigue

I used this drug as part of an antagonist IVF protocol. It's role was to suppress me. I ovulated while on this drug and developed a corpus luteum cyst approx 30mm big and my cycle had to be cancelled. I had horrible fatigue, and shoulder pain, in addition to the severe abdominal pain from the cyst. Previous to my ultrasound where I found out about the cyst, I felt so sick that I discussed with my husband whether I needed to be admitted to a hospital...that's how horrible I was feeling. My RE switched me to a different protocol that did not involve cetrotide for the next IVF attempt.I found this drug very inconvienent and difficult to inject due to it's powdered form. During reconstitution, I inevitably felt I was not getting good disolvement of the cetrotide. The drug was more difficult than average (compared to other fertility drugs I've used) to draw up into the syringe once mixed. I am also not thrilled with the quality of the needles. Something finer such as the guage one would find on follistim needles would be MUCH better and easier for patients to withstand.For obvious reasons I would not personally use this drug again.

Stinging/itchy. Somewhat unpleasant but effective (I guess).

Side Effects forcetrotide (cetrorelix) - User Comments


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My primary care doc prescribed Boniva for me in 2005. Over a three year period I experienced the following, which may or may not be attributed to the drug's use: 15lb weight gain, once a very severe muscle pain in both legs that resulted in a hospital emergency visit, and jaw pain that began mildly enough, but three years into the drug's use became severe. I took myself off the drug following my most recent bone scan in November 2008. Scan results were very disappoiting as they indicated little improvement, along with a recommendation I continue with the Boniva.

Family history and slight bone loss

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After I received the drug, my legs started shaking and I was crawling out of my skin. I felt freezing but hot when they tried to put a blanket on me. I thought I was just anxious due to being in the ER but when they brought me to CT I climbed out of the machine. When I told the nurse she said it was common and gave me IV benedryl which helped a little. I got home and couldn’t sit still or get comfortable for HOURS until I finally took 2 more benedryl and slept. The next day I was still very much on edge. I’d say it took 24 hours at least to get out of my system.

Lung infection and sinus infection

Overall, this drug helped me. In fact it may have helped too much as I became extremely unconcerned about things that used to worry me. I was reminded that a little worry can be a good thing. It did help my seasonal depression, though. I would have continued it but the heart palpitations were a little scary. Also, I became an extreme alcoholic while on it. I drank every night and really enjoyed it. As soon as I went off this drug I returned to my old moderately drinking self. Withdrawal was weird but nothing compared to coming off pain pills.


mild to moderate cramping (nothing too severe) mild but frequent headaches, exhaustion, an emotional roller coaster!!

After about 6 months, I realized my legs were bothering me. Dr. said it must be arthritis, NOT the premarin. Legs got worse. My leg and hip joints gradually worsened over the 8 years I took premarin. I exercised alot, but still I felt like I was walking through water. Legs felt full, heavy, achy. I continued to think it must be arthritis. Dr. urged me not to quit premarin. I couldn't stand the way I felt, so I decided to experiment. I went off premarin for three weeks, and the hot flashes started immediately, but the leg pain immediately stopped. I went back on premarin, and the hot flashes stopped, leg pain came back.