Cefuroxime axetil (cefuroxime axetil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cefuroxime axetil (cefuroxime axetil)

Bacterial infection in chest and the

None that i noticed but i was taking probiotics 3 hours after each dose and i think this is why

Flu-like pain all over, sore joints especially knees, bouts of hypertension and chest pain that would subside with lots of water, but would return and kept me from going out. Dizziness.

This should not be prescribed for older people, it's too strong. I felt the hypertension and pain and pressure in my chest would cause me to go back to the doctor and she would prescribe blood pressure medication (I have normal blood pressure) so I rested and took 1/4 of an aspirin and drank plenty of water. I didn't want to get into the blood pressure medication circus and make things worse. Please be smart and don't take this drug. With rest and water I'm feeling better, but it's scary to think you might have a stroke.

The medication did dry out my sinus somewhat, I still had a lot of drainage during all days. 4th day started to shut down the drainage. It kills the appetite, upsets the stomach slightly and makes constant need to poop after eating w/in 30-40 minutes. No matter if the food is just liquid. Exhaustion is constant. Hard to focus.

I am to take it for 10 days, if I can make it that long. I may just stop it before then.

I had some nausea the first few days but I'm not even sure it was caused by the cefuroxime, as I was extremely nauseous from the infection before starting this med. After the 2nd or 3rd day, zero side effects.

I actually had to take this drug for a total of 15 days, not counting the IV dose of it that they gave me at the hospital. This was my first experience with antibiotics and I was extremely nervous about it, having heard many horror stories about what antibiotics can do to you. I finished about 1.5 weeks ago and have had none of the terrible effects I was expecting, and it cleared the infection.

Tired but this is probably because the medicine is killing the bacteria.

I had a bad sinus infection and had no energy to even drive to see the doctor. Took one 500 mg pill and it knocked me out. The next day I felt better, took 500 mg split in half. No side effects, day 3 and I feel like a human being again.

CEFUROXIME AXETIL (CEFUROXIME AXETIL): Cefuroxime is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. This medication is known as a cephalosporin antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Really bad pains in my stomach feeling sick and could not sleep. This is not the first time I have taken this drug I have had it several times before and never had such bad side effects. What is worrying me is that since I have taken it although the chest infection has cleard up I have been left with a sore throut that just will not go away. I didnt have the sore throut before I took them so does any one know if that could be one of the side effects. I have been back to the GP to ask and been told DONT KNOW ! It is not an ordanary sore throut that I have ever had it keeps me awake at night making me cough.

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I wish there were better reviews on this pill. I have some strange effect where every 2 years I need to switch birth control. I start having breakthrough bleeding about the time I would be ovulating if I wasn't on the pill. I started on Ortho-tricyclen, then moved to Estrostep (the pill from HELL) and then went to Yaz. Its happening again so next month the doctor is starting me on Yasmin. I'm scared to switch because for the first 3 months on Yaz I wanted nothing to do with sex. Even my boyfriend kissing me would make me cringe. On the days he could convince me to have sex with him, I'd try to focus and a grocery list would start in my head and I could never orgasm. I hope that I won't have to go through this again with Yasmin because it is more or less the same pill as Yaz (or at least thats what I've been able to find online.) Please let me know if any of you have switched from Yaz to Yasmin and had any new side effects. Thanks!

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