Cefdinir (cefdinir) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cefdinir (cefdinir)

My daughter was prescribed cefdinir for a skin rash. The next day severe anxiety set in. She became depressed, withdrawn, exhausted, stomach cramps. I stopped giving to her after a friend shared that her daughter had a similar experience. I pray she is back to her normal happy self soon and that this is not permanent.

I don't know why anyone would prescribe this without a warning. Worst drug ever and would not recommend to anyone!

Major ANXIETY that wouldn't let up for 2 hrs

This medication cause bad panic attacks. Can cause depression and a small appetite.

I will not take this medication anymore

After taking 5 doses, I only slept for 30 minutes last night. Extreme insomnia. Anxiety and shortness of breath. Lower back pain. I am not going to take any more.

Back pain so bad I couldn't sit up, it felt like I was punched in the groin area, it hurt to touch. Aching leg on right side. Horrible!! I only took 2 pills. 1st pill ok 2 pill felt like I had been punched all over my body. Please don't take. Unless you like playing Russian roulette. It's been a week since I stopped taking this and my back hurts muscles aches.

I'm no longer taking this medication. Side effects were anxiety, doom and gloom depression, mild stomach issues

Cefdinir worked well to cure my earache, however, the Anxiety and doom and gloom depression I experienced were tough to tolerate. Odd these symptoms started after I finished the med and lasted for around 7 days. Had to try hard to distract myself.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

increased panic attacks, increased anxiety, loss of appetite, horrible nausea and fatigue. had to stop taking because i couldn't focus in school with it.

Muscle aches, black, tarry stool, explosive diarrhea, extreme tiredness and weakness, shortness of breath. Stopped taking after 3 days for a 7 day RX

Was advised to take Florastor and acidoupholous to counter side effects without success

Muscle aches, lethargy, explosive diarrhea, black tarry stools, shortness of breath, unusual tiredness and weakness

Was told by NP to take florastore (2 doses per day) to offset diarrhea with no help!

heart palpitations and increased anxiety as well as depressioni'™m not liking it what so ever because my heart palpitations haven't stopped since yesterday and are progressively getting worse !

I began experiencing hot flashes, dizziness and high blood pressure. I have always had normal to low blood pressure so went back to the prescriber at the VA. Cefdinir has ruined my heart valves, and I’m now in heart failure.

Have a 10 day prescription, at day 1. Mentally feels a bit like a reaction to hallucinatory drugs like:anxiety, nervousness, disconnected. Also feels like a depressant, feel chilled/cold and jittery, relaxing feeling, slowed respiratory rate, it's noticable. If you can calm down your mind/anxiety about these effects it helps. Did have several vivid dreams last night. Also noticed my sense of smell seems improved. Glad to read many other people on this board having similar experiences.

@ Day 1 - improvements in UTI issues already noticed. Hopefully the side effects don't worsen.

Severe anxiety. Panic attacks. Feelings of impending doom. Horrible.

Extreme panic! Body feels like it's locked up in panic everyday. Extreme diarrhea & loss of appetite. I have anxiety disorder and was doing great before this medication. It's TERRIBLE

Just like everybody else, it's 2 weeks later and I can't sleep, have a lost of appetite .. I literally have to force myself to eat. I'm very anxious, thoughts of dying or feel like I am. I'm getting dizzy. Very fatigu… you name it.

DO NOT TAKE IT. This is horrible. I got rid of the kidney infection and opened up something totally different.

Dizziness, headache, night sweats, fatigue, abdominal pain and loss of appetite

Was prescribed CEFDINIR to treat sinuses infection. This helped reduce my fever but on the second day started having thoughts about death. Along with headaches night sweats abdominal pain and loss of appetite. I don't recommend anyone taking this pill.

Intense anxiety and panic attacks, racing thoughts, nausea, diarrhea, headache.

I had no idea this medicine was causing my anxiety to be worse. I already have anxiety and this medicine made my anxiety/panic attacks so bad! After reading reviews I quit this medicine and hope my anxiety calms down. Do not recommend.

Horrific panic attacks. Cant rest. Terrible headache and bloody stool. Had a panic attack so bad my body locked up i had to pull on the side of the highway, I thought I was dying. And every day after my body has been convinced it was dying. Went to the er twice for it and was just told to stop my steroids... it was for sure this medication after reading multiple reviews.

After taking this, I have had to be put back on medication for the panic attacks. I have had horrible anxiety all my life, i got to the point I could help myself and havent had to be medicated for it for 2 years. Now I'm back to taking a pill every 8 hours just so I don't feel like I'm dying.

Dizzy, nausea, ear pain ,cough, worsening depression, indigestion

CEFDINIR (CEFDINIR): Cefdinir is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. This medication is known as a cephalosporin antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Stopped taking it after 6 daysbecause I started to experience severe diareaha. On the fourth day I got a yeast infection. I'll never take this medicine again.

I took the pill at 9am and by noon, I had no appetite and was experiencing feelings of depression (both very unusual for me). I had a hard time "keeping it together" to keep myself from crying in a lunchroom full of about 15 women. I had no idea these were side effects of Allegra-D until I went home after school and found this website. The Allegra-D website does not even list most of the symptoms discussed on this site. I am discontinuing use today, as my allergies were not significantly reduced, and I developed side effects within a few hours of my very first dosage.

Rash was so bad on hands and feet that for a 4 day period I was awake crying and losing my mind. The itch felt like thousands of bug bites that only got worse when I bent fingers or stood up. Crazy thing is, while on Zyban I felt odd and out of it, it was when I stopped taking the Zyban that it got really bad. It's been 6 weeks since taking the drug and I am finally regaining my life. It cost me a girlfriend, and I'm still smoking. I'm still trying to quit, but to be honest, the Zyban would have killed me long before the smoking! Many of these

While on the cruise I had dry mouth loss of appetite and I was a bit tired

Do Not Do It!!I had never had trouble with my weight before, had always been 10 stone, didnt put a single pound on through pregnancy.had the injection, 1 every 3 months. Total of 3 injections, Put a stone on (14lb) with each injection...... by the end i was a massive 13.5 stone!! I have suffered with controlling my weight and food intolerances ever since............. wish id never done it!!!!

A couple of bouts of diarrhea initially, but have continued to feel nauseous and have brain freeze daily which flares with pain. It also seems to have intensified menopausal hot flushes/night sweats as well as mood swings = suicidal thoughts. At times I feel extremely cold. I feel mental and physical fatigue = lots of word searching, stuttering and sofa days. Last few days tip of tongue and lips feel numb.

This med has been a life saver. I've had migraines since I was 14. Now I have only a few a month instead of 4-5 a week.

As with other meds, my doctors insisted that Lamictal could not cause these side effects. I was not taken off of it until a friend and my husband testified to my dramatic personality change. My friend even had it marked on his calendar. This was the worst summer I have ever had. It seems like medicines will sometimes make me worse and the doctor will decide that what I need is more of it. I am glad that it works for so many people, but be careful.

I take 5mgs 2x per day. Had been in a severe mixed manic-depressive state, and the first pill I took changed my mood for the better. No more suicidal thoughts. In that regard, it's a miracle drug.

Imitrex has kept me from crawling under a rock my whole life. I get the 100mg and break them in half because I get them frequently. Sometimes tho if I wait too long to take it I end up in the hospital and they have to give me a morphine shot along with nasua shot. Ive been getting them since I was 10 but was taking midrin before, I miss that stuff, seemed to help.