Cefaclor (cefaclor) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cefaclor (cefaclor)

None possibly dizziness and urine smell

None, I tolerated this antibiotic well. It seems to be a relatively friendly antibiotic relative to some others...

Rated "4" because it is unclear if it truly helped clear the infection, as is always the problem with sinus infections. I was regularly doing saline flushes several times a day, and it could've resolved on its own.

Absolutely none. AS with most antibiotics, lots of water and probiotic yogurts.

Stopped the infection but there's wtill the ear congestion...yuck

None. No diarrhoea. Well tolerated.

Severe chest infection that didn't respond to amoxicillin, erythromycin or zithromax (z-pak), given in that order. Infection lasted several weeks. Finally doc gave me cefaclor, after 6-7 days huge improvement, which carried on improving for a few days after I finished the course. Completely cleared the infection. Very effective drug. Doc told me they prefer to keep it in reserve for difficult infections to avoid bugs developing resistance, if I get another infection they will want to try amoxicillin first before using this again.

The first time I took a week of this med it worked great, with no side effects. But a few months later I took a second script of it and broke out in a violent rash of itching, maddening hives. I had to get injections of antihistamines to stop me from scratching my skin off!

Tiredness, felt less energy. Hard to perform cardiovascular activities because muscles lacked strength while on Cefaclor.

Sinus infection returned and am now starting on it again for a longer period.

dizziness, nausea, yeast infection - felt sicker while taking the antibiotic than before I started taking it.

Rx for 15 days, don't know if I can continue taking it and go back to work.

CEFACLOR (CEFACLOR): This medication is a cephalosporin-type antibiotic used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections (e.g., middle ear, skin, urine and respiratory tract infections). It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic only treats bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (e.g., common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Cold Sensitivity, High Blood Pressure (non-diet related), slight weight loss (good thing), afternoon fatigue (went away)