Cedax (ceftibuten dihydrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cedax (ceftibuten dihydrate)

Side Effects forcedax (ceftibuten dihydrate) - User Comments


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I really liked Lamictal - it gave me great energy and really helped with my mood swings - I didn't realize how bad they were until they were gone. My husband wasn't sure about me taking meds but after I took this he really was impressed with the changes in me. Had to d/c b/c of the rash and swollen glands. I have yet to find another med that helped as much as lamictal. I actually thinked it increased my sexual drive - a nice bonus after 3 kids. and NO wieght gain! Also helped with my compulsive side.

Dvt right calf blood disorder MTHFR

not bad at all. just some moodiness and a few heart palpatations here and there

-night sweats-nightmares-increased thirst-uncontrolled eczema-stuttering-odd periods of sadness and crying

Makes me incredibly sleepy, which is what I took it for. Took it during my divorce when I was so upset all the time, and it helped me sleep and relax.

The MiraLAX worked for its intended purpose in cleansing my colon for the colonoscopy; however, its side affects are terrible and seemingly long-lasting. I will never take MiraLAX again, and I pray it has not caused irreparable damage to my stomach and other organs. The pain is contained to my right side only tthus far, but seems to radiate across my lower back area. MiraLAX may work well for most, but I will never forget this painful experience.

Instestinal pain, increased appetite, odd taste in throat, chest pain, dry throat, fatigue

5 months on 800 mg daily and then halved to 400mg due to adverse effects. Continued another 7 months, 13 months in total. Nasty stuff. And in addition to the side effects I experienced, I was taking monthly blood tests,,and numerous other tests and scans to watch lung, liver and heart. I feel better now and fungus seems to be gone but I know it can relapse too. It took 7 months to diagnose and left me with damaged lungs,chronic Bronchiectasis. After 5 months off drug, my hair is returning but is very thin.

length of time taking versed 20 seconds

I will NEVER take this or any other quinolone antibiotic again.