Ceclor (cefaclor) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ceclor (cefaclor)


Took this drug for about 2 weeks and then broke out in massive hives internally and externally in October 2008. Hospitalized and almost died. Hives have subsided to some degree, but it destroyed my hormonal balance, so now I breakout every month with hives around my period. I cannot work and my life is miserable. DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG.

I took this medication and started breaking out in hives almost immediately and have done so for over a year now. I asked my doctor about the side effects and how long they would last, he said he did not know. There is nothing I can do for the hives and there seems to be no cure for them. I would certainly NOT recommend this drug, my life is miserable now and there is no relief in site.

I have completely discontinued usage.

None, actually made swelling in gums go down great but this is second treatment they gave me 500mg pennicillan and it took the initinal of not feeling well away mild yeast infection but cefaclor took the abscess down completely

Severe allergic reaction(s); Purple hives (4 Years Old)

have taken it several times, works great, no side effects.

CECLOR (CEFACLOR): This medication is a cephalosporin-type antibiotic used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections (e.g., skin and respiratory tract infections). It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic only treats bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (e.g., common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Nausea, short term memory loss, disorientation, difficulty finding the right words, altered perception of time, visual changes, dizziness.

My daughter who is 7 went to the hospital for a headache. They said it was a migraine and gave her compazine and benadryl. Immediately she started twitching and seemed to be breathing heavy. The nurse said she was fine and left the room. I had to run out and get her 10 seconds later because my daughter started freaking out, screaming saying she needed to get up. As soon as the nurses got to the room she stopped breathing. They had to push on her chest and give her oxygen. I sat there watching in disbelief. I have never been so scared in my life. I thought i was losing my baby. This drug should be taken off the market

This is adding to my last post. When I forgot to take the inhaler for 3 days I became so tired I couldn't stay awake. I slept most of the time that whole weekend. Once I started using it again the tiredness went away.

It did work for telief of breathing. I didnt have to take my rescue inhaler much at all. Good improvement but the side effects are not for Everyone! I cannot wait to get off this medicine and feel well again. I am slowly cutting back on my dosage.

Endo,pain relief, to get pregnant

Do not ever take this medication. It works, as my finger infection started going away immediately but the side effects are horrible. They do not go away immediately. If you have muscle cramping try introducing balanced electrolytes to your system. I could only take 2 pills. Had to beg for another antibiotic. Dr said it wasn't the medicine but was something else that I caught. BS. Advocate for yourself. It's the Bactrim.

acne, tired, insomnia, vivid nightmares, ataxia, depression

I was on 100mg of Zoloft for about 8 months, it worked great for my anxiety depression however it made my libido non-existent. I heard Wellbutrin is good for increasing your libido and that it's a little calmer on the side effects. I've already noticed an increase in libido, maybe not from the wellbutrin, but because I haven't taken the zoloft in a few days. I have a lot of energy, but some anxiety as well.

This seemed to work fine but I always had a running nose. I decided to stop taking Zyrtec and the side effects were horrible. I was getting heart palpitations, depression and a feeling like I was going to die. I felt anxious and very tired. I had to go back taking it again. A week ago, I started taking 1/2 a pill everyday and only had slight side effects. Slight heart palputations and no feeling of depression. In a few days I am going to skip a day until I no longer have this poison in my system.

I was apparently lucky, i quit cold turkey about 9 months ago and didn't have the horrible withdrawals people seem to, then again i already felt so horrible i just may not have noticed. I'm just beginning to get some of my sex drive back now, but the constant aching all over is gone as are the chills and the episodes of vertigo. Every time i complained to my dr he just told me to drink more water or added another drug. At one point i was on three additional medications just to treat the side effects of this one!