Carvedilol (carvedilol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Carvedilol (carvedilol)

Weight gain & depression - not sure which came first!

They put me on this med twice, and each time I gained 25lbs! As if the depression it causes isn't bad enough.

Well it did help with dizzy spells and sudden irregular or racing heartbeat. Which is good, because that's scary when it happens while I'm driving esp if I have grandchildren with me. But overall, I feel worse. Less energy, more short of breath with only slight exertion. And an odd effect I've not heard anyone else mention - at risk of sounding somewhat vain, I noticed my skin had aged suddenly and significantly after taking it for a few months.

Not very pleased with the med but I am tolerating it better than others my drs have had me try. I could live with the irregular heartbeats etc but my BP goes up without the Carvedilol so I'm afraid to stop. Also find that an Ayurvedic supplement long used for my heart condition does not work in conjunction with the Carvedilol. Actually makes me feel worse.

Blood pressure drops too low. Did improve my heart function greatly! Dizziness, fatigue and headaches.

Worked great for me until heart function improved, then blood pressure dropped too much.

Sharp leg, arm, ab pain, severe constipation, had CT test, colonoscopy, no relief. Self titration down from 6.25 MG 2x per day to once. Dr.won't change med.

Unrelenting fatigue,insomnia, arm pain Stopped it after two weeks This is garbage medicine and they only use it because it's cheap

Chest pain - left arm pain -jaw pain- leg pain - muscles hurting all over, bone pain

My Dr put me on this med, 25 Mg 2 times a day. After a week or 2 I had chest pain so bad I had to go to the ER Twice, I thought I was having a heart attack! Left arm pain so bad I feel,as if my arm will fall off, like it's dying. Bone pain, muscle pain all over. Upper left stomach pain. My Dr did several EKG's, echocardiogram, treadmill stress test, nuclear stress test & a heart cath. Heart is just fine. The problem is this med! Trying to wean off of it. Scared to just stop it. Problem is the Dr should have known that these were side effects of this med before prescribing it. Every time I take it, feeling terribly ill! Headache, neckache, stomach pain, arm pain, jaw pain, chest pain, bottom of my feet hurt, fingernails hurt, for a couple of days every single one of my teeth hurt, like they were coming loose. Watch out folks. This medicine is like poision! Once I can get weaned off of it, I will never take it again & will research each medication before taking. $38,000.00 later in Medical bills ! :-(

It just works. Tried a lower dose with no results.

nausea, trouble swallowing, chest pain, stomach pain, mood swings. It caused a vomiting reflex for 18 hours. During that time, nothing would stay down. There were also leg muscle pains.

was given this in hospital after initially suffering a stroke on 6/30/15 not sure I had a high blood pressure problem following physical checkup on May 15,2015. Initially after given this drug I noticed I was unable to sleep for longer than 1 hour at a time in hospital. Brushed it off as being in the hospital. After discharge on July 13th still could not sleep at home for more than 1-2 hours at a time. Also began to feel light headedness daily in the mornings after waking up. After not sleeping ( sleeping medication trazadone 50 mg) didn't allow me to sleep any better I researched Carvedilol on Internet and discovered that like most beta blockers it cause insomnia. My doctor took me off Carvedilol after 1st prescribing 2 mg Lunesta didn't help me sleep either. No taking linsinopril sleeping much better.


irregular heartbeat and high BP

hope it helps my heart condition

CARVEDILOL (CARVEDILOL): Carvedilol is used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. It is also used after a heart attack to improve the chance of survival if your heart is not pumping well. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This drug works by blocking the action of certain natural substances in your body, such as epinephrine, on the heart and blood vessels. This effect lowers your heart rate, blood pressure, and strain on your heart. Carvedilol belongs to a class of drugs known as alpha and beta blockers. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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None. By taking this drug my blood pressure is stable. I urinate at least 6 times a day. Without the drug I seldom urinate. However, I do not have to go to the bathroom at night.

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The tablets have worked I think, because my phlebitis does seem to be clearing now (also taking Diclofenac anti-inflammatories). I am glad I didn't suffer the same dreadful effects that others describe but the wind and diahrrea/constipation symptoms make me feel very uncomfortable, I will be glad to stop taking this drug soon.

I was on Trintellix for approximately a year and a half. I have routinely worked out for several years to combat anxiety and depression induced my childhood trauma. The time I was prescribed Trintelix was around the same time I caught COVID-19. I noticed fatigue but blamed it on the virus. My fatigue got progressively worse. I gained 12 pounds despite exercising 5-6 days a week. I saw my primary care doctor and they said my fatigue was Covid-19 related as well. I was also easily irritated around my period and quick to anger. I was generally happy until…well, I wasn't. I had to really control myself at times. I secluded myself from my family and put a happy face in for work. My anxiety medicine did help with the snapping but I continued to blame things on possibly being pre-menopause, getting older, the virus, ect. I saw a different doctor because I was wanted to try something different because I just didn't feel normal. I've been off Trintelix for one week now. My energy levels have increased. My interest in life has returned. And I've lost 4 pounds. I'm amazed at the difference just after a week and I'm cautiously optimistic that my new medication is helping (Wellbutrin)

Extreme drowsiness, unpleasant stoned feeling, trouble thinking, slight dry mouth, conjunctivitis, stuffy nose and ears, increased heart rate, increased appetite, physical weakness

heart palpitations, jitters, dizziness, dry mouth, more "emotional", tightening of the jaw (teeth clenching), shakiness, nausea, loss of appetite, more energy

Increased motor activity. Increased alertness. 10mg can sometimes make me feel the need to drink alcohol to calm my nerves. I feel tired after 3 to 5 hours. Dry mouth.

I don't think the side effects were worse than actually having Influenza A. I don't know how bad other people's flu symptoms were but mine were horrible and scary. The doctor at the urgent care prescribed Tamiflu. As soon as I took it I felt so much better! No other medicine was making me feel better until I took it. After taking it for a couple of days though I got nausea and my mind felt a bit foggy. I don't think it was a continuation of symptoms from the flu. It's not the best for everyone but at least this drug helped feel better from the hell that the flu put me in.

mood swings extreme irritatability hair loss weight gain loss of interest in sex fatigue