Carisoprodol (carisoprodol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Carisoprodol (carisoprodol)

It is the only drug that works for me, when I have severe pain in my neck. It is scarry to hear of people doubling/tripling their doses(unless their doctor tells them to). Did anyone hear about Mr. ledger or Michael Jackson? I take only 1 at night and it really helps my pain. I have bad scoliosis and muscle spasms because of the imbalance in my muscles that support the spine. I have tumors that are seemingly non-cancerous but they do cause nerve pain and although the nerve pain is not reduced with carisoprodol it does relax me and make me more tolerant of the nerve pain. I did drink after taking this once and noticed that I became very effected by the alcohol. So it is not a good idea to mix these two but if you do only drink a small amount (1 drink) Please be careful especially if you are taking other medications that you don't overdose. I do feel tired when I take carisoprodol but don't notice a hangover the next day. My children who are grown also do not think that it makes m

blackouts, dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy, slurred speech, memory loss--any negative s/e you can think of, I had it

The euphoric component kept me using this drug for years. I'd much rather have back my memory, and a host of other things I lost because of pill use and overall exacerbated bad health

CARISOPRODOL (CARISOPRODOL): Carisoprodol is used short-term to treat muscle pain and discomfort. It is usually used along with rest, physical therapy, and other treatments. It works by helping to relax the muscles. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Working well for anxiety at 50 mg/day. Anxiety is the worst of my OCD, so I'm fine at my dose.During the first week I had no sexual desire. That was more due to anxiety than the Luvox. Three months later, my desire isn't quite as high as pre-Luvox, but it's still strong. No problems with errections or delayed ejaculation.

slight metallic taste in mouth; very loose stool several times a day

Side effects were pronounced enough to require discontinuing the drug. It is effective in treating that for which it is prescribed.

Please don't take this.. I would never wish this on anyone..

have only been taking it 2 mos.but saw no difference in pain levels with 300x3/day. Lethargic all the time & feel sleepy but had much difficulty being able to sleep, depression but not positive it was from this drug. Definite nervousness with mood swings & sometimes hostility. Am going off it & have weaned down to 300x1, will take 1 every other day for a few days. If my pain continues to get worse I could try it again but probably won't.

The taste : the pharmacist said that it would leave a metal taste. I never tasted metal, but Im sure any metal tastes way much better that this one I have in my mouth. I never had such awful taste stuck in my mouth. I can't get rid of it. Brushes my teeth 5 times a day.The is slowly bringing me back on the healthy side, but I am paying a incredible price for it. I feel anxious, depressed, sad, terrible cramps in my stomach, I have to eat to get rid of it.I went to the doctor 2 times, because I was intolerant to the first med prescribed. This first med gave me 2 migraines with the 2 only doses I took.This is not my first bronchitis, I never been so deconstructed like that by an antibiotic.Thank god my husband is there by my side to help me, to take care of me.I did some google about antibiotics for bronchitis and at the hospital they give you a 3 day treatment intravenous. Thats where Im going tomorrow and never going back to see this doctor a this clinic.NOT RECOMMENDED,

Going off suddenly as have endoscopy next week

My recent allergy episode was so bad that I took Zyrtec and continued to take it for about 5 days. When the allergies got better, I stopped taking the drug. I woke up drowsy, sleepy and very irritable this morning. An hour later, after sending my son off to school, went for a nap and woke up 6 hours later from an upsetting dream. I was sluggish throughout the afternoon and early evening. Finally went to bed and shortly afterward began having night terrors for the first time in my life! I couldn't breath, felt paralized and had to lay there until I calmed down. Will not recommend this to anyone especially children. But for parents whose children are on this medication, I would suggest contacting a doctor as stopping the drug IMMEDIATELY HAS ITS OWN SIDE EFFECTS. Good luck.

low to almost no sex drive, excrucating pain during intercourse, weight gain, and migraines

Thankfully, did not experience any side effects (surprisingly as I am sensitive to EVERYTHING)