Carboplatin (carboplatin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Carboplatin (carboplatin)

Regimen of weekly Taxol for 18 weeks, Carboplatin added on the third week for 6 cycles. I am doing much better on the Taxol than the combo. Last week I began the second round with both drugs and felt like I'd been hit by a train. The major symptom is extreme fatigue. Physically tired and muscle fatigue. Some days it was difficult to climb a small set of stairs. Today I had just the Taxol, but had low white blood cell count and very low blood presdure. The dr. Finally approved the chemo, but I'm worried that I won't bounce back after the large dose in 2 weeks. I really dread showing up for that treatment as my oncologist informed me during my last visit that I would feel much worse as time progresses.

CARBOPLATIN (CARBOPLATIN): Carboplatin is used to treat various types of cancer. It is a chemotherapy drug that contains platinum. It is used alone or in combination with other medications to slow or stop cancer cell growth. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I tapered on over several days; I'm on 20 mg. I may have had a bit of the yawning thing early on, but other than that, it's worked great for me. My life is still really stressful right now due to several family issues; before starting Celexa, it was rare for me to smile, and if I started crying it was really hard to stop. I had NO desire for sex, and not even for fun leisure activities. Now I smile and laugh. I still have times that I cry, but it doesn't last so long and I don't feel so hopeless. And I'm interested in having fun again.I'd recommend it; just taper on and try the lowest dose that helps.

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