Caplyta (lumateperone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Caplyta (lumateperone)

CAPLYTA (LUMATEPERONE): Treatment of schizophrenia in adults. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Migraine headaches everyday, increased apetite, moody all the time, weight gain, decreased energy, lonely, depressed, angry at everything

nausea, vomiting, headache, peeling flaking skin on face around eyes, greatly increase eye irritation, eye infection, constipation, dizziness and vertigo, fatigue

I experienced stomache cramp while taking this medication, which has begun to get worse, 2 days after finishing the medication.

The shot did stop me from having a period which initially is very nice. But after a while I felt I needed to get back in touch with my natural cycles. It just seems so unnatural to not have a period at all and then have all the side effects as well. I plan on detoxing to try and clear my system. I wouldn't do the shot again. I encourage anyone considering it to seriously weight the pros and cons.

Constant cough/ viral bronchitis

depression before and during periods feeling bloated and fat while menstruating.

I was prescribed this during a particularly nasty bout of vertigo because my usual meclazine wasn't doing the trick. I put a patch on, ran an errand, then laid down for an hour or so at home to wait for it to kick in as I had plans that evening. About 4-5 hours later on as I was attending an event, I suddenly experienced a severe chest pain - it felt like a massive cramp - extending from mid breastbone to diaphragm, so bad I couldn't draw a breath for a few moments. After the first bad pain, I could breathe, but it was difficult. My boyfriend took me outside in the fresh air, and got the patch off of me while I tried to breathe. About 5 minutes after the patch came off, the pain disappeared. I called my doctor the next day to tell them what had happened and was told not to put the patch back on (DUH!!) even though the doctor "still felt it was the best treatment" for my dizziness. I didn't have any other side effects once the patch was off, but I have a feeling that ma

I was taking Cipro and flagyl for diverticulitis. I had terrivle nausea, dizziness, etc and after finishing the meds I got a terrible left mid face and head pain. The following day it felt like numbness and now I'm having acupuncture for the nerve problem in my face. Dr. thinks I could have Bell's Palsey or have had a small stroke.

Bad taste, nausea, little appetite, lightheaded, very tired, foggy, disoriented, and so depressed I am having trouble getting out of bed after being on it for 7 days. I can tell it worked.

I know that this rarely happens but when I switched from Wellburtin to SR I put on weight.