Capital with codeine (acetaminophen; codeine phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Capital with codeine (acetaminophen; codeine phosphate)

This drug was given to our daughter post surgery. She had a T & A, sinus surgery, septoplasty and bilateral ear tubes placed with a history of sleep apnea. She became somnolent and unresponsive and was diagnosed as a hypermetabolizer of codeine which converts the codeine in the liver to toxic levels of morphine. She almost died as a result with collapsed lungs and hypoxia. This drug has black box warnings from the FDA and should have never been given to our daughter with her medical history and indicated surgeries.

Side Effects forcapital with codeine (acetaminophen; codeine phosphate) - User Comments


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I stop taking bonviva 8 months ago and I still have pain. My densitometry was exactly the same as one year ago. !!!Garbage!!!

Many of the reviews report some kind of stomach distress, I can say that taking a probiotic daily has me helped huge. However after taking plaquenil for nine years I am considering getting off, due to the fact over the last couple years I have more tremors in my hands, more hair thinning and now wondering if plaquenil can affect your bones negatively. I am experiencing more low back pain. Also interrupted sleep. More blurred vision than in the past and more muscle pain. I get the eye exam each year. My doctor tells me, my low white blood cell count is due to the plaquenil. I will pray about what to do. I certainly do not want a flare. It seems the negatives of plaquenil are out weighting the positives.

Have been told by dr to stop taking till next appt. Has anyone else had this side effect?

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Difficult to exercise vigorously. Used to be a sub-six minute miler, now rarely run and have gained 25 lbs. Ringing in ears and impotency.

First four months ok. Last six right flank and back pain. Weight gain all fluid 25 lbs. Tired heavy fluid filled legs, vitamins deficiency, all in last six months.

Vivid nightmares / dream like thoughts that haunt me through the day...things seem surreal. Making me nuts! Insomnia

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tendonitis, indigestion, itchy rash, loss of taste, sore ulcerated tongue