Canasa (mesalamine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Canasa (mesalamine)

I used canasa for about 15 years but stopped when the colitis became controlled. Since then i used it a few times for rare outbreaks and it stopped the bleeding almost immediately

Lialda alone didn't control bleeding

Canasa reduced the swelling quite a bit and took the edge off of the pain. It is expensive, and my insurance will only cover 1 1000 mg rectal suppository per day even though the Rx is for 2/day.

The combination of Canasa and Colazal have made a long term condition much better.

My only gripe is that this medicine is so darned expensive, and not available as a generic.

Severe joint pain to the point I was not able to walk

My doctor claimed my joint pain was from UC, but I had no sign of joint pain until taking this medication. When I went off, it took several days for the pain to go down. I went on it again for a few days because of a flare up and the joint pain came right back. After a few weeks the pain hasn't totally gone away. The first time I took it it helped my rectal pain dramatically within 2 days. The second time it didn't do a thing. Side effects aren't worth it nor the high price tag! I've seen significant improvement from a cooked veggie diet, ultrainflamx, probiotics, roberts formula, psyllium, turmeric, boswellia, fish oil, glutamine, sodium butyrate enemas. Highly recommend a naturopath!

Anal Pain, Diarreah, Increased Gas, Body aches in legs, Low grade fever, Insomnia, Dizziness, and Low Energy level

Currently have a J-pouch and was prescribed canasa to relive the severe inflamation I have due to UC affecting the stump of rectum that was left after surgery. Seemed like it helped after I stoped the medication by making my stool go from watery to spongy. However the side effects were too much for my body.

CANASA (MESALAMINE): Mesalamine (also known as 5-aminosalicylic acid) is used to treat ulcerative proctitis, a type of bowel disease. It does not cure ulcerative proctitis, but it may decrease the number of stools, the amount of mucus/blood in the stools, and the rectal bleeding caused by irritation/swelling of the colon/rectum. Mesalamine is an aminosalicylate anti-inflammatory drug. It is believed to work by blocking the production of certain natural chemicals that may cause pain and swelling. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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