Campral (acamprosate calcium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Campral (acamprosate calcium)

I am on day 11 with no alcohol. I am stillHaving occasional cravings but this drug helps you to get through it. I feel more happy, clear and focused and am looking forward to long term and hopefully permanent sobriety.

Had a seizure on day 4 as a passenger in a car. Didn't see this side effect warning on the paperwork provided in the box. Very upset my doctors decided to give this to me knowing I had a history of alcohol withdrawal seizures. Also, no warning on packaging about this.

I thought i would die because of alcohol. Every day morning itself craving started to drink. My health became so weak. I cheat to get money for drink. Finally campral stopped craving now I'm different man. Still i can't believe I feel normal with zero craving. But it takes a week to build up in system so allow time. My life is back. Thanks to the inventors.

Amazing, has stopped cravings, I can't believe it. Have been drinking heavily for 35 years, have done rehab twice. This is the Holy Grail for me, I wish I knew about it years ago. Have tried Naltrexone after rehab and that didn't work for me.

Weight gain, even though I thought giving up alcohol I would lose weight, and extreme fatigue

Been an alcoholic for 15 years and my cravings have stopped, these are an absolute blessing

Saved my life. First time being sober, it's been a year and a half w/ no drink/drugs.

I only had Diarrhea on day 1 whether it was from eating to much grapes lol, other than that, it's been my life saver.

At first exhaustion heartburn and nausea

Immediately helped my brain to NOT rationalize the 101 reasons I deserved to drink, (bad day, unloving spouse, work stress, etc.).

In the beginning weeks I had some mild nausea. Constipation and insomnia. Increased thirst but after awhile it got better.

Saved my life. I use this along with naltrexone to help with my sobriety. I am able to be sober off medications but this medicine was a god send. My doctor gave it to me due to the covid quarantine and being stuck inside. It gives me no craving for booze. Truly a game changer

The first day u take this u feel euphoric. Like a cloud has been lifted. I tell myself every day that I can do this and to keep taking it as prescribed. You have to be determined to take it everyday or it wont work. Looking forward to a new improved me.

Diarrhea, Elevated Liver Enzymes

Being a blackout binge drinker for about 14 years resulted in every horrible consequence imaginable. Acamprosate Calcium worked immediately for cravings and resetting my brain back to where I no longer have continuous thoughts of drinking. I also take 50 mg of Zoloft daily for anxiety and depression. I believe the combination of Campral or the generic and an SSRI work!

Severely elevated liver enzymes, fatigue

This was a great drug. My drinking had really gotten out of hand. But campral helped me tremendously with cravings. I could go to the store and walk past the wine aisle no problem and wouldn't even think about drinking. Unfortunately my liver staged a revolt, (ironic!) so I had to stop taking it. Of course the cravings came right back. Great while it lasted though...

It's fantastic. Seriously, is this AA in pill form? I'm baffled by the effectiveness and tolerability. I'm not in any way associated with Forest. I don't even take Campral, I take generic acamprosate calcium DR and it's still great. It does not act immediately. But after about a month, I had no more thoughts of drinking. Advertisements no longer faze me. I have tried drinking on it and even my old favorite beers now taste disgusting. It almost works too well. I'm certain I won't drink as long as I take this drug.

None, really. Maybe a little flat feeling.

I posted a year ago after being on it 9 days. I managed to abstain for a full six months, at which time I quit taking the Campral. I started drinking again within a few weeks. Though it seemed very subtle at the time, the stuff does work; which is much easier to see in retrospect. So today I'm starting back on the Campral.

Maybe a little tired, but taking Lexapro, too

Once I stopped drinking for about 5 days while taking Campral, it worked. Cravings mostly gone. It repairs the prefrontal lobe, which is needed to make good decisions about drinking and drugs. Really, a miracle drug. I highly recommend it to any alcoholics, but you have to not drink for around a week, and give it a chance. It did not help when I took it and still drank!!!

Lowered libido, weight loss, food tastes different.

1) Only on day 9, alcohol-free, so I will update. I had been drinking a 12-pack a night for years. Seems to help with cravings. I usually cave after a week or so, so we will see....

None that were appreciable but I was on a "cocktail" of medications.

I was on campral, depakote and zoloft. The morning and afternoon dose made me sleepy. Afer rehab I went down to 2 doses a day for around 3 months. Then didn't feel that it was helping all that much and stopped treatment. Have been sober for almost 3 years but have other mood disorder that I have to medicate.

CAMPRAL (ACAMPROSATE CALCIUM): This medication is used along with counseling and support to help people who are alcohol dependent not drink alcohol. Acamprosate works by restoring the natural balance of chemicals in the brain (neurotransmitters). Before starting this medication, you should no longer be drinking alcohol. Acamprosate has not been shown to work well if you are still drinking alcohol when you start taking it. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Only use I got out of it was usually to sleep! I have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and sleeping long enough (usually sleep for 4 hour intervals then nap; when on zero medication I could stay up (involuntarily) for probably at least 3-4 days without nodding off. Anyway, Frova is a triptan with a mild side-effect profile; downsides are the 3-4 hours it takes to reach peak effectiveness, COST COST COST (omg this med is SO expensive), and the fact that it causes weight gain (not for everyone, probably a small percentage of people). But be aware that, long-term, daily or near-daily use might cause weight gain.

l'm taking this drug for headaches

I also have ADHD. It actually did help with staying on task and not forgetting every single detail of things I needed to do, but affected my memory badly,ie., I know I have an SUV in my garage, but can't remember the make and model... I think it'e another drug failure for me. I had to undergo interferon therapy over a year ago and though Hep C is gone, my life is very painful and tired. So much for this one.